Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 14:3
"A long time therefore they abode there, dealing confidently in the Lord,
who gave testimony to the word of His grace, granting signs
and wonders to be done by their hands."
Catholic writing in Hebrews 2:4
"God also bearing them witness by signs, and wonders, and divers miracles, and
distributions of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will."
Note: God in this scripture is the Catholic God.
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1. The miracles in this Section ... are simply a continuation of the miracles of the Catholic God in the Old and New Testaments ... miracles such as ...
The Virgin conceives and bears a son (Luke 2:11, foretold > Isaias 7:14) ... Parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21) ... Sun going backward in the sky (Isaias 38:8) ... Manna (bread) from Heaven (Exodus 16:15) ... Healing of lepers (Luke 17:14) ... Lazarus raised from the dead (John 11:44) ... Blind men given their sight (Matthew 9:30) ... Resurrection of the Catholic Jesus Christ (John 20:14-17), etc.
2. There are 163 miracles in the Bible ... where the Catholic God overrides the natural order using His omnipotent (unlimited) power over all of the physical world. The miracles in the New Testament times starting in 33 A.D. ... continue God's work in confirming the Catholic Faith working through Catholic Saints.
3. Saint Rita of Cascia by whom the Catholic God continued His miracles ... was a humble Augustinian nun who has a wonderful power of obtaining for her clients every and any good thing they desire.
4. Saint Rita applied for admittance to the Augustinian Convent in Cascia. She was refused three times ... so she prayed to her three special patron Saints ... Saint John the Baptist, Saint Augustine, and Saint Nicholas of Tolentino. These Saints transported Saint Rita into the courtyard of the locked convent ... and she communicated this to the Sisters there. She was then accepted into the convent and joined the Augustinian Order.
5. In prayer Saint Rita asked that she might share in some way ... the pain of the Catholic Jesus Christ during the Passion. Jesus then gave her a thorn wound in her forehead. This wound stayed with her for the rest of her life, about 15 years.
This Section lists ... natural order graces, in the form of miracles ... to confirm
the Catholic Faith ... for the supernatural goal of saving souls.
The way to bring one's soul to the justified state is on
Section 2.1 to have a chance of getting to Heaven.
Seventeen (27) Listed
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1. Crown of thorns wound on Saint Rita
As she prayed intensely remembering the Lord's passion, Rita asked to share the pain of a thorn from the crown of thorns with Jesus.
This was granted to her, and immediately, a thorn detached from the Crucifix and came to sink deep into Rita's forehead, leaving her with a very painful wound.
This miraculous wound would never heal for the rest of the fourteen years that Rita would live, except during her pilgrimage to Rome.
Even today, the wound is visible on her body, which remains miraculously in an excellent state of preservation and still emits a fragrance when Saint Rita's glass casing is opened.
2. Saint Rita is one of the incorrupt Saints
Saint Rita remains one of the incorrupt Catholic Saints ... who testify to the Catholic Faith after dying.
There are twelve such Saints on Section 50 of this site.
3. Carpenter cured of partial paralysis
The carpenter who made Saint Rita's coffin was partially paralyzed and regretted he could not do better work because of this.
Just then he was healed of his partial paralysis ... Saint Rita's first miracle.
He fashioned the elaborate and richly decorated coffin which would hold Rita’s body for several centuries. She was never buried in it, however. She was eventually placed in a glass coffin ... and she is in the Basilica of Saint Rita in Cascia, Italy.
4. Partially paralyzed boy healed
In the year 1620, a very good and devout woman named Coluccia, the wife of Giovanni Andreas, a native of Norcia, came to Cascia accompanied by her young son, who was deprived of the use of his hands and feet by reason of paralysis.
When Coluccia had come with her crippled son before the tomb of Saint Rita, she obtained a small portion of oil from the lamp at Saint Rita's tomb ... and after she anointed his helpless hands and feet, she had the extreme joy and happiness of seeing her son cured instantly.
Ever afterwards the young boy was accustomed to say: "I am a child of St. Rita of Cascia."
5. Blind girl healed from smallpox blindness
Elizabeth Bergamini, a young girl in danger of losing her sight from smallpox.
Her parents, assured by the physicians that the child's condition was so serious that medical aid could be of no avail, decided to send her to the Augustinian Convent at Cascia, beseeching Saint Rita fervently to deliver their daughter from approaching blindness.
Arriving at the convent, the child was clothed with a votive dress in honor of Saint Rita.
After four months Elizabeth cried out one day that she could see. Together with the nuns she immediately began to give thanks to God who had wrought such a miracle through St. Rita.
6. Man cured from catarrhal gastro-enteritis
Cosimo Pelligrini, suffering from chronic catarrhal gastro-enteritis and hemorrhoidal affliction so serious that there was no hope of recovery. Returning one day from church he became so weak from a new attack of his excruciating malady, that he was near death.
At one point ... he suddenly saw Saint Rita greeting him. Thereupon his former strength and appetite returned to him, and within a very short time he was able to do the work of a young man ... even though he was in his 70's.
7. Man healed of throat cancer
Francesco di Monteferro was afflicted with a cancer in the throat. As he was a good and devout man, Saint Rita appeared to him in his sleep.
There was doubt whether the vision were an illusion or not, and Saint Rita appeared a second time. Francesco told some of his friends of these visions and asked them if there were a saint with a wound on her forehead.
But his friends only laughed and began to make fun of him.
Saint Rita appeared a third time to him and told him her name. Feeling consoled after this last vision, Francesco went to Cascia and was completely cured of the cancer while he was in prayer before the tomb of the Saint.
This miracle took place in the year 1510.
In thanksgiving to God for so great a manifestation of His mercy and power through the intercession of St. Rita, the people who were in the Church when the miracle was wrought formed a procession and marched through the streets of Cascia. After the procession, a sermon was preached in honor of St. Rita.
8. Infant Rita and hand healing
Just after Rita was born, a farmer was working in a nearby field. He cut his hand with a scythe and went in search of help.
As he passed by Rita’s household, he noticed bees buzzing around the infant’s face.
He gestured with his hand to shoo them away. As he did so, his hand was healed.
9. Blind man healed
On 25th May 1457, Batiste D'Angelo from Colgiacone who was completely blind.
He addressed devout prayers to God staying in front of the body of Saint Rita, and for infinite mercy his prayers were answered and he could see again.
10. Man has his eyes healed
Bernardino, son of Tiberio, accidentally injured one of his eyes.
According to reputable physicians, he was in danger of losing the sight of his other eye.
But when he was led before the body of Saint Rita, he humbly asked her aid and his eye was healed.
11. Boy cured of apoplexy (stroke)
On the 10th of May, in the year of Our Lord 1525, a little boy, son of Giovanni Francisco di Nardo, a native of San Bruto, was suddenly seized with an attack of apoplexy.
For three days the child was unable to take food, or open his eyes, or speak.
Full of faith and confidence in the intercession of St. Rita ... the poor father set out for Cascia, and having visited the tomb of the Saint, he obtained a small piece of her tunic. On returning home, he applied the piece of cloth he had received from the nuns to his son's eyes.
The little boy opened his eyes at once, he began to talk and was entirely cured of the apoplexy (stroke).
12. Saint Rita relic puts out house fire
On the 27th of April, in the year 1652, a house belonging to Signora Clara Calderini, wife of Giovanni Polidoro, a resident of Narni, took fire accidentally.
Owing to the scarcity of water, all hope of saving the building was abandoned.
The fire, however, was extinguished almost immediately by throwing into the flames a small piece of woolen cloth which had touched the veil of Saint Rita.
This fact is attested by the officials of the city of Narni, May 21st of the same year.
13. Paralytic woman cured
Among the many paralytics she cured was a certain woman of Longe.
She had been a paralytic for years. Having been brought by some of her family to Cascia ... they placed her before the body of St. Rita, and while praying with faith and confidence in the intercession of Saint Rita, she was cured.
After returning thanks to God and Saint Rita, she returned home on foot. This miracle took place in the year 1489.
14. Physician's son cured
A lady, the wife of an eminent physician of Sinigaglia, came to the convent and informed the nuns that her son, whose life had been despaired of by her husband and other physicians, had been cured through the intercession of Saint Rita.
In thanksgiving for this great favor, the overjoyed mother had brought a large silver votive offering, to be placed on the tomb of the Saint.
15. Young mute girl is healed
In 1457, the year of Rita's death ... Cecca of Gio a young girl who was mute by birth, was taken to the tomb of Saint Rita, to whom she prayed fervently.
After a short time, she began to recite the Hail Maria prayer ... on her own, to the amazement of all.
16. Saint Rita bread miracles
At times ... the figure of St. Rita stamped upon bread ... that the nuns distribute on her Feast day or during the year to the pilgrims who come to visit the tomb of the Saint to venerate her body.
These little breads are carefully made by the nuns and when made are covered with cloths that have touched the body of St. Rita. By the eating of one of these little breads, many persons, grievously ill with fever and other maladies, have been cured.
17. Healing power of Saint Rita lamp oil
There is a lamp that is kept constantly lighted before the tomb of Saint Rita.
Many remarkable cures have been effected in favor of those who, having faith and confidence in the intercession of Saint Rita, anointed the afflicted parts of their bodies with a few drops of this oil.
18. Man, about to die is healed
A like favor was obtained by Alessandro Alessandrini, a native of Amatrice, of the province of Abruzzi, not far from the confines of Cascia.
He was at the very door of death, by reason of a deep wound he had received in the thigh.
The wound was healed by one application oil from the lamp at Saint Rita's tomb, without leaving the least sign of a scar.
19. Mute boy healed
In 1457, Mattia of Cancro ... who was mute from birth was taken by his parents to Saint Rita's body ... and while all those present were praying he obtained from God the grace of healing ... and talked fluently, all those present were astonished.
20. Girl has tumor disappear
Saint Rita helps ... Granicia, the daughter of Antonio Vanatteli, a native of Atri, a village of Cascia.
This young girl suffered acute pains, caused by a tumor in her right side.
She had recourse to the aid of Saint Rita, and by applying oil from the lamp at Saint Rita's tomb ... to her side, the pains ceased and the tumor disappeared.
21. Mute boy healed
Cecco d'Antonio from San Cipriano dalla Matrice ... mute from birth, was lead by his Father to the body of Saint Rita.
After very fervent prayers for two days ... he received the grace of healing ... and talked to the astonishment of all those present.
22. Heavenly favors when Saint Rita died
Immediately after she expired, her cell was filled and aglow with a supernatural light, and her body sent forth an odor so sweet and so fragrant, as if it were a mixture of roses, white lilies and other odoriferous flowers. The odor filled the entire convent with a celestial perfume.
According to the testimony of Father Donato Donati of Lucca ... to celebrate the entrance of Saint Rita into the Kingdom and home of her Divine Spouse, Angels moved the bells in the belfries of the holy places in Cascia.
At the very moment of her death, the large bell of the Maddalena Convent began to ring out its joyous peals, and when it had ceased, the bell of the Church of Saint Mary, as well as that of Saint Lucy's Convent ... were also rung by Angels, according to the testimony of Father Donato Donati of Lucca.
As stated above ... the carpenter who made Saint Rita's coffin was partially paralyzed and regretted he could not do better work because of this. Just then he was healed of his partial paralysis ... Saint Rita's first miracle. He fashioned the elaborate and richly decorated coffin which would hold Rita’s body for several centuries. She was never buried in it, however. She was eventually placed in a glass coffin.
23. Woman's arm cured from paralysis
A relative of St. Rita had suffered severe pains in one of her arms for many years.
Medical science had failed to give her any relief, and the arm had become paralyzed and utterly useless.
With an ardent faith and confidence in the intercessory power of Saint Rita, the afflicted woman approached and touched the dead body of the Saint with the paralyzed arm, and the arm was instantly cured of its paralysis ... to the great surprise of the very many persons who were witnesses of the miracle.
Naturally the people broke forth into accents of joy and gladness, and with loud voices praised God and thanked Him for having given them so signal a proof of the sanctity of His holy servant, and their hearts were filled with veneration for the body of Saint Rita ... which had now become a most precious relic.
24. Lady regains her sight
A woman whose name was Lucia di Santi, a native of the village of Santa Maria, had been deprived of her sight for the period of fifteen years.
She was blind in one eye and very visually impaired in the other.
On the 18th of June, in the year 1457, her blindness was cured after she had prayed for fifteen consecutive days before the body of Saint Rita.
25. Lady cured of dropsy (edema, swelling under the skin)
Lucrezia, daughter of Notario Paulo, a native of Calforcella, was a victim, for many years, of dropsy.
On the 25th of May, in the year of Our Lord 1547, while standing in the presence of the body of St. Rita, she was cured of her ailment.
26. Saint Rita intervenes against earthquake
In the year 1730, the city of Cascia was in a state of great anxiety and dismay.
Hundreds of people from the outlying towns and villages came hurrying into the city to take refuge in the Church of Saint Rita, frightened by an earthquake, which in a few moments of time had destroyed many houses.
At the very first trembling of the earth in Cascia, the body of Saint Rita elevated itself in the coffin, and to the great joy of the frightened people who had sought the aid and protection of the Saint, the earthquake ceased without doing any damage.
27. The miracle of the vine
Sister Rita always obeyed the Mother Superior. To test her, the Mother asked her to go so far as to water a dried vine every day.
Despite the mockery, Rita took this job very seriously. After a year the miracle occurred: the dead branch turned green again, grew, and produced an excellent grape.
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Summary ...
We are all well aware of the fact ... that the Saints in Heaven have more merit with God ... than those still in the world (hoping to get to Heaven) ... as we see in the Catholic writings of ... Matthew 11:11 and Luke 7:28.
The Catholic Jesus Christ is the sole ... Mediator of Redemption (the One who re-opened Heaven after it was closed by Original Sin) ... but He is not the mediator of grace. We see this in ... 1 Timothy 2:5-6 (the whole sentence), the heretics all leave out the last part (starting with the word "Who").
Catholic writing of 1 Saint Timothy 2:5-6 >
"For there is one God, and one Mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus: Who gave Himself a Redemption for all, a testimony in due times."
Angels and men are the mediators of grace ... God is the originator of grace not a mediator or grace.
So we are encouraged to ... intercede for others ... by informing them of the true Divine Faith (the Catholic Sources of Dogma) ... and by praying for others.
Catholic writing of Apocalypse 8:3 >
"And another Angel came, and stood before the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given to him much incense, that he should offer of the prayers of all Saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne of God."
Catholic writing of Apocalypse 8:4 >
"And the smoke of the incense of the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God from the hand of the Angel."
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Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ Our Lady of Good Remedy ~ Our Lady of La Salette ~
Immaculate Heart of Mary