God's Catholic Dogma
< <  Section 1.2 ... begins after this brief (15 line) site summary.    Many souls consult this site without any Index page review.  > >

It is 100% certain you're headed for Hell  ...   for rejecting the Catholic Dogma  ...   Warning: There are no bishops or priests in these times
< < On this site ... you will discover how you are being sent into Hell forever ... your willingness to be deceived is making you eternally culpable > >

1.   The Original Sin of Adam closed Heaven for all men (sanctifying grace was lost) ... Hell became the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men.
2.   God re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church and re-introducing sanctifying grace to men's souls ... the same grace which Adam and Eve had lost.

                          We are currently in the Great Apostasy (world-wide rejection of God's Catholic Dogma), these warnings apply:
3.   Warning 1:  A non-Catholic anti-Christ cult (the vatican-2 heretic cult) took over all Catholic properties on 8 Dec 1965 ("v-2 council" close date).        [Section 12, 13]
4.   Warning 2:  No one Ordained those that you think are Priests ... all Bishops of the "v-2 council" were automatically excommunicated on 8 Dec 1965.     [Section 13.2]
5.   Warning 3:  Your fake "priests" turned you into heretics ... the stage shows are not Mass ... participation in the vatican-2 heresy excommunicates.    [Section 13.2.2]
6.   Warning 4:  Top level view ... why there is not a single Catholic Bishop or Priest in the world. God's Catholic Church is devastatingly small in numbers. [Section 13.6]
                          All vatican-2-ists:  You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church.  You must Abjure your heresy.  * * Click * * >  Section 40

7.    One can still be Catholic and get to Heaven with a proper baptism in water [Section 7] ... believing the Dogmas ... and keeping free from mortal sin.    [Section 10.1]
8.    All grace, both actual and sanctifying grace, starts with God and comes into the world ... by way of the Blessed Virgin ... as Jesus Christ Himself did.  [Section 4, 4.4]
9a.  The Old Testament Israelite religion was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled ... the "judaism" fable started about 200 B.C.  Jesus Christ was not a jew.  [Section 39.1, 39.4]
9b.  The "koran" is wrong ... Mohammed was not a prophet ... "allah" does not exist.  The so called "allah god" makes countless errors in the "koran".        [Section 113]
10.  All baptized heretics are excommunicated from Christianity and headed for Hell ... with the world's pagans (those not properly baptized in water).     [Section 7.2, 8]

* *  Return To Index  >  Click here  >  For more against the soul damning lies  * *
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 * Help save souls by getting the Dogma out (the only soul saving truth) ... see Section 175 and it's Sub-sections * 
Romans 2:13  >  "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified."

James 2:20  >  "Know ... that faith without works is dead."       (Section 28 lists ... over 50 scriptures on works)
Please e-mail here ... if you see a website that you believe is Catholic ... besides this site.
You may copy this entire site ... to your computer ... see Item # 1 on Appendix A-1.

<<< --- <<< --- <<< --- <<< ---  Start Section 1.2  --- >>> --- >>> --- >>> --- >>>
(Note: This Section is repeated as Section 8.1.2)

Two hundred and fifty (250) selected citations addressing ... heresy

Selected ... Sources of Dogma (31 citations) ... addressing >  heresies
Selected ... Sources of Dogma (43 citations) ... addressing >  heresy
Selected ... Sources of Dogma (38 citations) ... addressing >  heretics
Selected ... Sources of Dogma (28 citations) ... addressing >  heretical
Selected ... Non-Dogma (110 citations) ... addressing >  heresy

Anti-Christ heresy is ... rejecting / not believing / not knowing ...
any Catholic Dogma

The  Catholic  Faith  has  a  large  focus  on  heresy  because
heresy  sends  one's  soul  into  never  ending  Hell

Catholic writing of Titus 3:10-11
"A man that is a heretic ... is subverted and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment."

Catholic writing of Saint Matthew 18:18
"Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound also in Heaven."

Fr. Frederick Faber (1814-1863)
"The crowning disloyalty to God is heresy.  It is the sin of sins, the very loathsomest
of things which God looks down upon in His world ...
it is the polluting of God’s Truth."

~     ~     ~


1.  After Original Sin closed Heaven for all men ... the Catholic God reopened Heaven in one prescibed way ... believing the Catholic Sources of Dogma.

2.  No one (ever) has gotten to Heaven as a heretic (lutheran, presbyterian, evangelical, methodist, etc) ... or as an un-baptized pagan (jew, muslim, buddhist, hindu, etc.).

3.  Heretics and pagans cannot get to Heaven because they are all idol worshipers ... their heretic "gods" and pagan "gods" (of the un-baptized) do not exist. All heretics and pagans are in mortal sin against the First Commandment ("worshiping" a false "god").

4.  This Section addresses the heresies. The spiritual fact that there is no "jew god" is identified on Section 39.8 (primary) and 39.5. The "koran" itself proves there is no "muslim god" ... there is no "allah" ... identified on Section 113.

5.  C o n n e c t i n g ... the Dogma of this Section with the *automatic* excommunication Dogma and scriptures ...

>  The Sources of Dogma on automatic excommunication from Christianity for heresy ... are listed on Section 13.2
>  Catholic authored scriptures ... that rejecting any article of Faith removes one from Christianity ... are listed on Section 13.2.3
>  Dogma on automatic excommunication for physical participation in heretic cults ... is listed on Section 13.2.2
>  Catholic authored scriptures mandating to not participate in heretic cults ... are listed on Section

The  below  Sources  of  Dogma  on  heresy ...  are  fully  operative  on  earth  and  are
bound  in  Heaven ...  being  fully  operative  to  the  end  of  the  world.
The  words  heresy  and  heretic  have  been  made  to  disappear  by
soul  damning  liars  since  1914  when  the  Papacy  fell  vacant.

This Section includes ...
Sub-part A:   Selected Sources of Dogma addressing ... heresies ... 31 listed

Sub-part B:   Selected Sources of Dogma addressing ... heresy ... 43 listed

Sub-part C:   Selected Sources of Dogma addressing ... heretics ... 38 listed

Sub-part D:   Selected Sources of Dogma addressing ... heretical ... 28 listed

Sub-part E:   Ordinary Magisterium (non-Dogma) ... against heresy ... 110 listed

Note: There are a great many ways ... which the Catholic Church uses to inform heretics and pagans that they are outside of the Catholic truth ... and cannot be saved in their current state.

This Section ... simply identifies selected citations which use one of these four words  >  Heresy,  Heresies,  Heretic,  and Heretical.

S u b - p a r t    A

Infallible Sources of Dogma ... addressing heresies

~     ~     ~

Council of Trent, Session 2, 7 January 1546 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Moreover, whereas it is the chief care, solicitude, and intention of this Sacred and Holy Council, that, the darkness of heresies, which during so many years has covered the earth, being dispelled, the light, brightness, and purity of Catholic truth may, by the assistance of Jesus Christ, who is the true light, shine forth."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Against the Three Chapters section - 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It was quite logical that when a condemnation was issued against one person for such stupidity in what he said, then that condemnation should apply not only to that person alone but also ... against all those who spread the heresies and untruths."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Vienne, Article 1, Against the Order of Knights Templars, 22 March 1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Therefore it was against the lord Jesus Christ himself that they fell into the sin of impious apostasy, the abominable vice of idolatry, the deadly crime of the sodomites, and various heresies."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Vienne, Article 1, Against the Order of Knights Templars, 22 March 1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Moreover, an almost indefinite number of individual members, among whom are the grand master the visitor of France and the chief preceptors, have been convicted of such heresies, errors and crimes through their spontaneous confessions. "

"These confessions render the order very suspect, and the infamy and suspicion render it detestable to the Holy Church of God, to her Prelates, to Kings and other rulers, and to Catholics in general."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Vienne, Article 3, Against the Order of Knights Templars, 6 May 1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Clement, Bishop, servant of the servants of God, for assurance in the present and for future record. The inquiries and various processes commissioned not long ago by the Apostolic See through all parts of Christendom against the former Order of Knights Templar and its individual members, concerning accusation of heresies, brought them into grave disrepute."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 8, 4 May 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This most Holy Synod of Constance, which is a General Council and represents the Catholic Church and is legitimately assembled in the Holy Spirit, for the eradication of the present schism and the elimination of the errors and heresies which are sprouting beneath its shade."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 15, 6 July 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This most Holy Synod wishes to proceed with special care to the eradication of errors and heresies which are growing in various parts of the world, as is its duty and the purpose for which it has assembled. It has recently learnt that various propositions have been taught that are erroneous both in the Faith and as regards good morals, are scandalous in many ways and threaten to subvert the constitution and order of every State."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... subvert the constitution and order of every state ... identifies the fact that heretic and un-baptized pagan depravity participating in society ... subverts the State.

Council of Constance, Session 39, 9 October 1417 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It roots out the briars, thorns and thistles of heresies, errors and schisms, corrects deviations, reforms what is deformed and produces a richly fertile crop for the Lord's vineyard. Neglect of Councils, on the other hand, spreads and fosters the aforesaid evils."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 1, 14 December 1431 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"With the banishment of the darkness of all heresies from the bounds of the Christian people, the light of Catholic truth, by the generosity of Christ the True Light, may be resplendent."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 22, 15 October 1435 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The holy general synod of Basel, legitimately assembled in the Holy Spirit, representing the universal Church, for an everlasting record. The main reason, among other pious aims, why this Holy Synod assembled was to preserve the truth of the Catholic Faith and to eradicate errors and heresies."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Parts of the Council of Florence were held in Basel.

Council of Florence, Session 23, 26 March 1436 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"As long as I am in this fragile life I will firmly believe and hold the Catholic Faith ... to preserve intact this Faith unchanged to the last dot, and to defend and preach it to the point of death and the shedding of my blood (...) I promise also to labour faithfully for the defense of the Catholic Faith, the extirpation of heresies and errors."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 23, 26 March 1436 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Recently chosen as a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, from this hour henceforward will be faithful ... to the universal and Roman Church and (...) I will labour faithfully for the defense of the Catholic Faith, the eradication of heresies errors and schisms.

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church ... there are *no* Cardinals, Bishops, or Priests in these times ... and hasn't been any since 8 December 1965. This is identified on Section 13.6 (primary), Section 12, and Section 13.

Council of Florence, Session 23, 26 March 1436 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
Therefore Cardinal-Bishops shall inquire about what regions are infected with new or old heresies, errors and superstitions; cardinal-priests shall inquire about where conduct, observance of the Divine commandments ... are lax.

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church ... there are *no* Cardinals, Bishops, or Priests in these times ... and hasn't been any since 8 December 1965. This is identified on Section 13.6 (primary), Section 12, and Section 13.

Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It also anathematizes ... and condemns Macarius of Antioch and all others of similar views who, although they are orthodox on the duality of natures and the unity of Person, yet have gone enormously wrong on Christ's principles of action by declaring that of the two natures in Christ, there was only one principle of action and one will. The Holy Roman Church anathematizes all of these and their heresies and affirms that in Christ there are two wills and two principles of action."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 13, 30 November 1444 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Among all the preoccupations of the Holy Apostolic See, we hold, as we have always done, our first and chiefest care to be the defence of the faith, the extermination of heresies and the propagation of the orthodox faith."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 2, 17 May 1512 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We intend, with the help of the most High, to proceed with the holding of this Sacred Lateran Council which has now begun for the praise of God, the peace of the whole Church, the union of the faithful the overthrow of heresies and schisms ... the campaign against the dangerous enemies of the Faith ... and Christians may be able to keep themselves unstained from such pernicious and poisonous contagion."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, 19 December 1513 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic Faith."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 9, 5 May 1514 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Thus, with the Christian princes or their spokesmen assembled at the same Council, and prelates from different parts of the world coming to it ... the noxious brambles of heresies had been first uprooted from the Lord's field, then the things necessary for the campaign against the same enemies, and what concerns the glory and triumph of the orthodox Faith, and various other matters, could be happily decided upon by the timely advice and agreement of all."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... orthodox Faith ... this is *not* speaking of the "eastern orthodox" heretics who fell into heresy in 1054 A.D. ... fantastic heresies of the "eastern orthodox" are listed on Section 8.6.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 9, 5 May 1514 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Since the care of the most important business is the special concern of Cardinals, it is for them to use their ability to know which regions have been infected by heresies, errors and superstitions opposed to the true orthodox faith; where the ecclesiastical discipline of the Lord's commandments is lacking; and which kings and princes or peoples are being troubled, or fear to be troubled, by wars."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Bull of Indiction, 11 June 1542 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Wherefore, having been, as we have said, called upon to guide and govern the bark of Peter, in so great a tempest, and in the midst of so violent an agitation of the waves of heresies, dissensions, and wars."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 7, 3 March 1547 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"With this view, in order to destroy the errors and to extirpate the heresies, which have appeared in these our days on the subject of the said most Holy Sacraments ... as well those which have been revived from the heresies condemned of old by our Fathers, as also those newly invented, and which are exceedingly prejudicial to the purity of the Catholic Church, and to the salvation of souls."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... most Holy Sacraments ... the only Sacrament that exists in these times when there are no Bishops or priests is Water Baptism. The common heresies regarding Water Baptism are addressed on Section 7. Baptism inside Satan's vatican-2 heresy (the buildings with the Catholic signs) was made invalid on 15 May 1969 ... by Montini (a.k.a. "paul-6").

Council of Trent, Session 13, Chapter 8, 11 October 1551 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"But forasmuch as it is not enough to declare the truth, if errors be not laid bare and repudiated, it hath seemed good to the holy Synod to subjoin these Canons, that all, the Catholic doctrine being already recognised, may now also understand what are the heresies which they ought to guard against and avoid."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 16, 28 April 1552 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We began, as the duty of our office required, to apply our care and thoughts to the means of extirpating the said heresies, of doing away with so great and so pernicious a schism, and of amending morals so much corrupted and depraved.

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 16, 28 April 1552 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"But how greatly, meanwhile, the heresies were increased and multiplied, and propagated, how widely schism spread, we can neither think of, nor tell without the greatest sorrow of mind."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 16, 28 April 1552 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We, therefore, have judged that the celebration thereof is no longer to be deferred; To the end that schisms and heresies may be taken away; That morals may be corrected and reformed; That peace may be preserved amongst Christian princes."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 24, 11 November 1563 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Holy and Universal Synod wishing to meet the rashness of these men, has thought it proper, lest their pernicious contagion may draw more after it, that the more remarkable heresies and errors of the above-named schismatics be exterminated, by decreeing against the said heretics and their errors the following anathemas."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 25, 4 December 1563 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The calamitousness of the times, and the malignity of the increasing heresies demand, that nothing be left undone which may seem in any wise capable of tending to the edification of the people, and to the defence of the Catholic Faith."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 25, 4 December 1563 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Publicly receive all and singular the things that have been defined and ordained by this Holy Synod ... and at the same time publicly express their detestation of and anathematize all the heresies that have been condemned by the Sacred Canons and General Councils."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 25, 4 December 1563 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"To extirpate very many and most pernicious heresies, to correct manners, and to restore ecclesiastical discipline ... concord of the Christiain people, an oecumenical and General Council had been, a long time previously, indicted by our predecessor, Paul III of pious memory, and had been begun by holding several Sessions."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, 6 January 1870 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"All other things which have been transmitted, defined and declared by the Sacred Canons and the Ecumenical Councils ... I accept unhesitatingly and profess; in the same way ... whatever is to the contrary, and whatever heresies have been condemned, rejected and anathematised by the Church, I too condemn, reject and anathematise."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Vatican Council of 1870, Session 3, 24 April 1870 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Everybody knows that those heresies, condemned by the Fathers of Trent, which rejected the Divine Magisterium of the Church and allowed religious questions to be a matter for the judgment of each individual, have gradually collapsed into a multiplicity of sects, either at variance or in agreement with one another; and by this means ... have had all faith in Christ destroyed."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... multiplicity of sects ... all who die believing the heretic garbage of sects ... descend into Hell from the very spot on which they die. The remedy to leave heretic sects (lutheran, presbyterian, evangelical, anglican, etc.) and become Christian is the four steps on Section 2.1.

S u b - p a r t    B

Selected Sources of Dogma addressing ... heresy

~     ~     ~

First Council of Constantinople, Canon 7, 381 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Those who embrace orthodoxy and join the number of those who are being saved from the heretics, we receive in the following regular and customary manner: Arians, Macedonians, Sabbatians, Novatians, those who call themselves Cathars and Aristae, Quartodeciman or Tetradites, Apollinarians-these we receive when they hand in statements and anathematise every heresy which is not of the same mind as the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of God."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Ephesus, 431 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The followers of every heresy extract from inspired scripture the occasion of their error, and that all heretics corrupt the true expressions of the Holy Spirit with their own evil minds and they draw down on their own heads an inextinguishable flame."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The heretic, even though he has not been condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on himself, having cut himself off from the way of truth by his heresy. What reply can such people make to the Apostle when he writes: As for someone who is factious, after admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is perverted and sinful; he is self-condemned."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

First Council of Constantinople, Canon 1, 381 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Profession of Faith of the holy Fathers who gathered in Nicaea in Bithynia is not to be abrogated, but it is to remain in force. Every heresy is to be anathematised."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Ephesus, 431 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The most pious and religious bishops Valerian and Amphilochius came together to us and made a joint enquiry about the so called messalians or euchites or enthusiasts, or whatever name this appalling heresy goes under, who dwell in the region of Pamphylia."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Ephesus, 431 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It seemed good that the filthy book of this heresy, which has been published and is called by them asceticon, should be anathematised, as being composed by heretics, a copy of which the most pious and religious Valerian brought with him. Any other production savouring of the like impiety which is found anywhere is to be treated similarly."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It is clear to all believers that when a problem about the faith comes up it is not only the heretical person who is condemned but also the person who is in a position to correct the heresy of others and fails to do so."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We hurry to take care of the good seed of faith protecting it from the weeds of heresy which have been planted by the enemy. We observed that the pupils of Nestorius were trying to bring their heresy into the Church of God."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... Church of God ... this is the Catholic God, the Catholic Church has no physical properties in these times ... identified on Section 13.6 (summary), Section 12, and Section 13.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The writings of the holy Fathers against him were also read out to us. We heard what had been written against his folly which was more than all the other heretics, and the historical records and imperial laws which set out his heresy from its beginning."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The holy synod of Ephesus, meeting in accordance with the will of God, has pronounced sentence against the heresy of Nestorius and has condemned according to justice and with accuracy both Nestorius himself and all those who might later, in inane fashion, adopt the same opinions as he held, and those who had previously adhered to the same opinions and who were bold enough to put them in writing, placing upon them all an equal condemnation."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Since the followers of Theodore and his heresy, who are plainly opposed to the truth, have tried to adduce some sections of the writings of Cyril and Proclus of holy memory, as though these were in favour of Theodore, it is appropriate to apply to these attempts the observation of the prophet when he writes: The ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"After we had investigated in this way Theodore and his heresy we took the trouble to quote and include in our acts a few of Theodore's heretical writings against true Faith, against the twelve chapters of holy Cyril and against the First Synod of Ephesus."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We anathematize the supporters of these works and those who write or have written in defence of them, or who are bold enough to claim that they are orthodox, or who have defended or tried to defend their heresy in the names of Holy Fathers or of the Holy Council of Chalcedon."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We also bear in mind what was prophesied about the Church by Osee when he said, I shall betroth you to Me in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord; and we count along with the devil, the father of lies, the uncontrolled tongues of heretics and their heretical writings, together with the heretics themselves who have persisted in their heresy even to death."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... betroth you to Me in faithfulness ... the covenant with the Catholic God is one of Faith not genealogy ... as identified thirty-eight times (38) times in Old Testament scriptures.

Second Council of Constantinople, Anathemas against the Three Chapters, Article 4, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Holy Church of God, rejecting the wickedness of both sorts of heresy, states her belief in a union between the Word of God and human flesh which is by synthesis, that is by a union of subsistence. In the mystery of Christ the union of synthesis not only conserves without confusing the elements that come together but also allows no division.

Note 1: Regarding the text ... union between the Word of God and human flesh ... the Catholic Jesus Christ was/is a Divine Person.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... Holy Church of God ... this is the Catholic Church which has no Bishops, Priests, Pope, or properties in these times ... as identified on Section 39.5.

Note 3: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Third Council of Constantinople, Exposition of faith section, 680-681 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Sowing with novel speech ... the heresy of a single will and a single principle of action in the two natures of the one member of the Holy Trinity Christ our true God, a heresy in harmony with the evil belief, ruinous to the mind, of the impious Apollinarius, Severus and Themistius, and one intent on removing the perfection of the becoming man of the same one lord Jesus Christ our God, through a certain guileful device, leading from there to the blasphemous conclusion that his rationally animate flesh is without a will and a principle of action.

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Nicaea, Canon 7, 787 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Divine apostle Paul said: The sins of some people are manifest, those of others appear later. Some sins take the front rank but others follow in their footsteps. Thus in the train of the impious heresy of the defamers of Christians, many other impieties appeared.

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Third Lateran Council, Canon 27, 1179 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The loathsome heresy of those whom some call the Cathars, others the Patarenes, others the Publicani, and others by different names, has grown so strong that they no longer practise their wickedness in secret, as others do, but proclaim their error publicly and draw the simple and weak to join them, we declare that they and their defenders and those who receive them are under anathema, and we forbid under pain of anathema that anyone should keep or support them in their houses or lands or should trade with them."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Third Lateran Council, Canon 27, 1179 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We likewise decree ... that they should be subject in every way to the same sentence and penalty as the above mentioned heretics and that they should not be received into the communion of the Church, unless they abjure their pernicious society and heresy."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against this Holy, orthodox and Catholic Faith which we have expounded above. We condemn all heretics, whatever names they may go under. They have different faces indeed but their tails are tied together inasmuch as they are alike in their pride."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any bishop is negligent or remiss in cleansing his diocese of the ferment of heresy, then when this shows itself by unmistakeable signs he shall be deposed from his office as bishop and there shall be put in his place a suitable person who both wishes and is able to overthrow the evil of heresy."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Vienne, Concerning the Templars, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We were duty bound by our office to pay heed to the din of such grave and repeated accusations. (...) This seemed to be proved by many confessions, attestations and depositions of the master, of the visitor of France, and of many preceptors and brothers of the order, in the presence of many prelates and the inquisitor of heresy."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: The investigations into heresy ... were because of concern for the soul of the investigated person (save them from Hell) ... and concern that others would not pick up the contagion (and descend into Hell).

Council of Vienne, Concerning the Templars, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We wished to know the truth of the whole matter and whether their confessions and depositions, which were said to have been made in the presence of the inquisitor of heresy in the Kingdom of France and witnessed by certain public notaries and many other good men, and which were produced in public and shown to us and our brothers by the inquisitor, were true."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Vienne, Concerning the Templars, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Since the Church never shuts her heart to the sinner who returns, the Cardinals granted absolution by our authority in the customary form of the Church to the master, visitor and preceptors on abjuration of their heresy. On their return to our presence, the Cardinals presented to us the confessions and depositions of the master, visitor and preceptors in the form of a public document, as has been said. They also gave us a report on their dealings with these knights.

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: In these times there are no ... Catholic Bishops or Priests for turning in an Abjuration of heresy ... one would simply sign it and keep it in their files.

Council of Vienne, Decree 26, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We therefore order bishops, inquisitors and their substitutes, in virtue of holy obedience and under threat of eternal damnation, that they proceed discreetly and promptly against those suspected of heresy."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: The investigations into heresy ... were because of concern for the soul of the investigated person (save them from Hell) ... and concern that others would not pick up the contagion (and descend into Hell).

Council of Vienne, Decree 28, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We entertain in our heart a deep longing that the Catholic Faith prosper in our time and that the perverseness of heresy be rooted out of Christian soil."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Vienne, Decree 28, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The diocesans and the inquisitors of heresy for the regions where these Beghards and Beguines live, are to exercise their office with special care concerning them, making inquiries about their life and behaviour and about their beliefs in relation to the articles of Faith."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 8, 4 May 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
In order that this dangerous and most foul doctrine might be eliminated from the Church's midst, he ordered, by his apostolic authority and under pain of ecclesiastical censure, that all such books, treatises, volumes and pamphlets should be diligently sought out by the local ordinaries and should then be publicly burnt; and he added that if necessary those who do not obey should be proceeded against as if they were promoters of heresy.

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: The Church working to cease the distribution of heresy ... to keep people from never-ending Hell.

Council of Constance, Session 15, 6 July 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
The said Holy Synod orders local ordinaries and inquisitors of heresy to be vigilant in carrying out these things and duly observing them, insofar as each one is responsible, in accordance with the law and canonical sanctions. Let anyone who rashly violates the aforesaid decrees and sentences of this Sacred Council be punished, after due warning, by the local ordinaries on the authority of this Sacred Council.

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 3, 29 April 1432 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Lastly, this holy synod decrees citations for all Prelates and others who are obliged to come to a General Council, and each and all generals of orders and also inquisitors of heresy."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 23, 26 March 1436 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"In the first place, therefore, he (the Pope) should examine where in the world the Christian religion is being persecuted by Turks, Saracens, Tartars and other infidels; where heresy or schism or any form of superstition flourishes, in which provinces there has been a decline in morals and observance of the Divine precepts and in the right way of living ... among which kings, princes and peoples enmity, wars and fears of war are rife; and like a dutiful father he should strive with his brethren carefully to provide remedies."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Note 2: There are no Bishops, Priests, Pope, or Catholic properties in these times ... identified on Section 13.6.

Council of Florence, Session 9, 23 March 1440 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"With the approval of this Sacred Council we demand and warn the anti-Christ Amadeus and the aforesaid electors, or rather profaners, and believers, adherents, receivers and supporters, and we strictly enjoin and order him and them in virtue of holy obedience and under the penalties of anathema, heresy, schism and treason ..."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It firmly believes, professes and preaches that the Son of God was truly born of the Virgin in His assumed humanity, truly suffered, truly died and was buried, truly rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father and will come at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. It anathematizes, execrates and condemns every heresy that is tainted with the contrary."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It embraces, approves and accepts the Holy Synod of 318 fathers at Nicaea, which was convened in the time of our predecessor most blessed Silvester and the great and most pious emperor Constantine. In it the impious arian heresy and its author was condemned and there was defined that the Son of God is consubstantial and coeternal with the Father."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It also embraces, approves and accepts the third Holy Synod of 150 fathers at Constantinople, which is sixth in the order of Universal Synods and was convened in the time of our predecessor most blessed Agatho and the emperor Constantine IV. In it the heresy of Macarius of Antioch and his adherents was condemned, and there was defined that in our Lord Jesus Christ there are two perfect and complete natures and two principles of action and also two wills, although there is one and the same person to whom the actions of each of the two natures belong, the Divinity doing what is of God, the humanity doing what is human."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 14, 7 August 1445 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Also, in future I will always hold, confess, preach and teach whatever the Holy Roman Church holds, confesses, teaches and preaches and I reject, anathematize and condemn whatever she rejects, anathematizes and condemns; in future I will always reject, anathematize and condemn especially the impieties and blasphemies of the most wicked heresiarch Nestorius and every other heresy raising its head against this Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, 19 December 1513 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"In addition, since very great offence is given to God from the prolonged and manifold heresy of the Bohemians, and scandal is caused to the Christian people, the charge of bringing back these people to the light and harmony of the true Faith has been wholly entrusted by us for the immediate future ... as legate of ourself and the Apostolic See to Hungary and Bohemia."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 9, 5 May 1514 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Those with evil sentiments towards the Faith, of whatever race or nation they may be, as well as heretics and those stained with some taint of heresy, or judaizers, are to be totally excluded from the company of Christ's faithful and expelled from any position."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 3, 4 May 1515 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We have judged that our care must be exercised over the printing of books, precisely so that thorns do not grow up with the good seed or poisons become mixed with medicines. (...) The bishop in question, and also by the inquisitor of heresy for the city or diocese where the said printing is to take place, and unless the books or writings have been approved by a warrant signed in their own hand, which must be given, under pain of excommunication, freely and without delay."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 13, Chapter 5, Session 3, 11 October 1551 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And so indeed did it behove victorious truth to celebrate a triumph over falsehood and heresy, that thus her adversaries, at the sight of so much splendour, and in the midst of so great joy of the universal Church, may either pine away weakened and broken; or, touched with shame and confounded, at length repent."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 16, 28 April 1552 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Immediately on being called, by the alone mercy of God, to the Government of the Church, though unequal to so great a burthen (burden), casting the eyes of our mind over every part of the Christian commonweal, and beholding, not without great horror, how far and wide the pestilence of heresy and schism had penetrated."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 24, Canon 5, 11 November 1563 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that on account of heresy, or irksome cohabitation, or the affected absence of one of the parties, the bond of matrimony may be dissolved; let him be anathema."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Vatican Council of 1870, Session 3, Chapter 4, Canon 4, Article 3, 24 April 1870 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"But since it is not enough to avoid the contamination of heresy unless those errors are carefully shunned which approach it in greater or less degree, we warn all of their duty to observe the constitutions and decrees in which such wrong opinions, though not expressly mentioned in this document, have been banned and forbidden."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

S u b - p a r t    C

Selected Sources of Dogma addressing ... heretics

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First Council of Constantinople, 381 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We may seem on the whole to be free from violent persecutions and to be at the moment recovering the churches which have long been in the grip of the heretics. But in fact we are oppressed by wolves who even after expulsion from the fold go on ravaging the flocks up and down dale, making so bold as to hold rival assemblies, activating popular uprisings and stopping at nothing which might harm the Churches."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

First Council of Constantinople, 381 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Hence at the ecumenical council by common agreement and in the presence of the most God-beloved emperor Theodosius and all the clergy, and with the approval of the whole city, we have ordained the most venerable and God-beloved Nectarius as bishop of the church newly set up ... a Church which by God's mercy we just recently snatched from the blasphemy of the heretics as from the lion's jaws."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note: When the structure was in the hands of heretics ... it was not a Church ... it was a heretic meeting hall.

First Council of Constantinople, Canon 7, 381 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Those who embrace orthodoxy and join the number of those who are being saved from the heretics, we receive in the following regular and customary manner ... when they hand in statements and anathematise every heresy which is not of the same mind as the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of God."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Ephesus, Definition against the impious Messalians section, 431 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Furthermore it seemed good that the filthy book of this heresy, which has been published and is called by them asceticon, should be anathematised, as being composed by heretics, a copy of which the most pious and religious Valerian brought with him."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Ephesus, Letter of Cyril section, 431 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"All heretics corrupt the true expressions of the holy Spirit with their own evil minds and they draw down on their own heads an inextinguishable flame."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Although we were aware of the ecclesiastical tradition concerning heretics, that they are anathematized even after death, we deemed it necessary to go into this matter as well and it can be found in the acts how several heretics were anathematized after they were dead."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Moreover, several letters of Augustine of sacred memory, who was particularly outstanding among the African bishops, were read in which he indicates that it is correct to condemn heretics even after their death."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The supporters of the heretics Theodore and Nestorius were conspiring to strengthen in another way the case of these men and their heresy."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Furthermore, we condemn and anathematize, along with all other heretics who have been condemned and anathematized by the same four Holy Councils and by the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, Theodore, formerly Bishop of Mopsuestia, and his heretical writings."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"These matters having been treated with thorough-going exactness, we bear in mind what was promised about the Holy Church and Him who said that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics)."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We also bear in mind what was prophesied about the Church by Osee when he said, I shall betroth you to me in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord; and we count along with the devil, the father of lies, the uncontrolled tongues of heretics and their heretical writings, together with the heretics themselves who have persisted in their heresy even to death."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Three Chapters section, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It has therefore seemed necessary to us to sum up in certain statements both our declarations of the truth and our condemnations of heretics and their heretical teachings."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Ephesus, Anathema 11, 431 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone does not anathematize Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, Apollinarius Nestorius, Eutyches and Origen, as well as their heretical books, and also all other heretics who have already been condemned and anathematized by the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and by the four Holy Synods which have already been mentioned, and also all those who have thought or now think in the same way as the aforesaid heretics."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Ephesus, Anathema 14, 431 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Condemnation has been passed by us against the heretics and their impiety, and also against those who have justified or shall justify the so-called "three chapters", and against those who have persisted or will persist in their own error."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Third Council of Constantinople, Exposition of faith section, 680-681 A. D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And we proclaim equally two natural volitions or wills in him and two natural principles of action which undergo no division, no change, no partition, no confusion, in accordance with the teaching of the holy fathers. And the two natural wills not in opposition, as the impious heretics said, far from it, but his human will following, and not resisting or struggling, rather in fact subject to his divine and all powerful will."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Lateran Council, Canon 30, 1139 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We render void the ordinances enacted by Peter Leoni and other schismatics and heretics, and deem them null."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Lateran Council III, Pope Alexander III, Canon 27, 1179 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We likewise decree (...) that they should be subject in every way to the same sentence and penalty as the above-mentioned heretics and that they should not be received into the communion of the Church, unless they abjure their pernicious society and heresy."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against this Holy, Orthodox and Catholic Faith which we have expounded above. We condemn all heretics, whatever names they may go under."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Moreover, we determine to subject to excommunication believers who receive, defend or support heretics."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"There he should compel three or more men of good repute, or even if it seems expedient the whole neighbourhood, to swear that if anyone knows of heretics there or of any persons who hold secret conventicles or who differ in their life and habits from the normal way of living of the faithful, then he will take care to point them out to the Bishop."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If however any of them with damnable obstinacy refuse to honour an oath and so will not take it, let them by this very fact be regarded as heretics."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 13, 15 June 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
", according to the canonical and legitimate sanctions that have been wisely established in favour of the catholic faith against heretics and their supporters."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 15, 6 July 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It declares, decrees and defines, moreover, that those who stubbornly assert this very pernicious doctrine are heretics and are to be punished as such according to canonical and legitimate sanctions."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 19, 7 September 1434 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone, of whatever rank or status, shall encourage or defend such converts against being compelled to observe the Christian rite or anything else mentioned above, he shall incur the penalties promulgated against abettors of heretics."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 19, 7 September 1434 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If converts fail to correct themselves after a canonical warning, and as judaizers are found to have returned to their vomit, let proceedings be taken against them as against perfidious heretics in conformity with the enactments of the Sacred Canons."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 22, 15 October 1435 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Lest it come to pass that any of the faithful fall into error on account of such teaching, the Synod strictly forbids anyone to teach, preach, defend or approve the teaching of the said book, especially the aforesaid condemned and censured propositions, and its supporting treatises. It decrees that transgressors shall be punished as heretics and with other canonical penalties."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 7, 4 September 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Alleging obedience to those decrees, they proclaimed three propositions which they term truths of the Faith, seemingly to make heretics of us and all princes and prelates and other faithful and devout adherents of the Apostolic See."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 7, 4 September 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"With the approval of the Sacred Council we condemn and reject, and we proclaim as condemned and rejected, those propositions quoted above (...) Also, we decree and declare that all of the aforesaid persons have been and are schismatics and heretics, And that as such they are assuredly to be punished with suitable penalties."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also jews (a type of pagan) or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 3, 3 December 1512 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We condemn, reject and detest, with the approval of this same Sacred Council, each and every thing done by those sons of damnation, Bernard Carvajal, Guillaume Briconnet, Rene de Prie, and Frederick of San Severino, formerly Cardinals, and their supporters, adherents, accomplices and disciples - who are schismatics and heretics and have worked madly to their own and others' ruin."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 3, 3 December 1512 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We renew our letter dated 13 August 1512, at St Peter's, Rome, in the ninth year of our Pontificate, by which, on the advice of the Dominicans, on account of the support, favours, sustenance and help notoriously provided to schismatics and heretics in the promotion of the said condemned and rejected quasi-council of Pisa, by the King of France and not a few other prelates, officials, nobles and barons of the Kingdom of France, we placed under ecclesiastical interdict the Kingdom of France."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, 19 December 1513 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the Faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic Faith. ."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 7, Canon 4, 3 March 1547 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that the baptism which is even given by heretics in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, with the intention of doing what the Church doth, is not true baptism; let him be anathema."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: A heretic infant with proper baptism ... falls automaticlly excommunicated and outside of Christianity if he remains in his heretic cult after turning ... seven years old.

Note 3: There is no such thing as valid Baptism ... for a person past the age of reason (7 years) ... in any heretic cult since the Catholic Holy Spirit cannot honor "baptism" into heresy.

Note 4: Proper Baptism instructions are on Section 7.

Council of Trent, Session 14, Chapter 1, 25 November 1551 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The power of forgiving and retaining sins was communicated to the Apostles and their lawful successors, for the reconciling of the faithful who have fallen after Baptism. And the Catholic Church with great reason repudiated and condemned as heretics, the Novatians, who of old obstinately denied that power of forgiving."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: In these times ... when there are no priests or bishops ... one returns to a state of grace after falling into sin by following the Dogma listed on Section 10.2.

Council of Trent, Session 24, 11 November 1563 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Holy and Universal Synod wishing to meet the rashness of these men, has thought it proper, lest their pernicious contagion may draw more after it, that the more remarkable heresies and errors of the above-named schismatics be exterminated, by decreeing against the said heretics and their errors the following anathemas."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 25, Chapter 21, 4 December 1563 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"So great has been the calamitousness of these times, and such the inveterate malice of the heretics, that there has been nothing ever so clear in our statement of faith, nothing so surely settled, which they, at the instigation of the enemy of the human race, have not defiled by some sort of error."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 25, Chapter 21, 4 December 1563 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For which cause the Holy Synod hath made it Its (Council of Trent) special care to condemn and anathematize the principal errors of the heretics of our time, and to deliver and teach the true and Catholic doctrine ... as It has condemned, and anathematized, and decreed."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Trent, Session 25, Chapter 21, 4 December 1563 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It now remains for It (Council of Trent) to admonish in the Lord all princes, as It hereby does, so to afford their assistance as not to permit the things which it has decreed to be corrupted or violated by heretics; but that they be by them and all others devoutly received, and faithfully observed."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

S u b - p a r t    D

Selected Sources of Dogma addressing ... heretical

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Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It is clear to all believers that when a problem about the faith comes up it is not only the heretical person who is condemned but also the person who is in a position to correct the heresy of others and fails to do so."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Why ought we to add anything more?  Anyone who wishes can consult the volumes of the heretical Theodore or the heretical chapters from his heretical books which have been included in our acts.  Anyone can see his unbelievable folly and the disgraceful utterances made by him."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We also included some of Theodoret's writings on the side of the heretical Theodore and Nestorius so that it would be made clear, to the satisfaction of anyone reading our acts, that these opinions had been properly rejected and anathematized."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Thirdly, the letter which is alleged to have been written by Ibas to Mari the Persian was brought under scrutiny and we discovered that it too ought to be officially read out. When the letter was read out, its heretical character was immediately apparent to everyone."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Rather these statements and all the others were formally read out and what they contained was submitted to official scrutiny, and we found that they had not allowed the said Ibas to be accepted until they had obliged him to anathematize Nestorius and his heretical doctrines which were affirmed in that letter."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If they would permit the acceptance of Ibas only if he condemned the heresy which was to be found in his letter, and on condition that he subscribed to a definition of faith set out by the council, how can an attempt be made to allege that this heretical letter was accepted by the same Holy Council ?"

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Furthermore, we condemn and anathematize, along with all other heretics who have been condemned and anathematized by the same four holy councils and by the holy, catholic and apostolic church, Theodore, formerly bishop of Mopsuestia, and his heretical writings."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Additionally, we anathematize the heretical letter which Ibas is alleged to have written to Mari the Persian. This letter denies that God the Word was made incarnate of the ever Virgin Mary, the Holy Mother of God, and that He was made man."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... He was made man ... the Catholic Jesus Christ was a Divine Person, true God and true Man.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Consequently we anathematize the aforesaid three chapters, that is, the heretical Theodore of Mopsuestia along with his detestable writings, and the heretical writings of Theodoret, and the heretical letter which Ibas is alleged to have written."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We also bear in mind what was prophesied about the Church by Osee when he said, I shall betroth you to me in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord; and we count along with the devil, the father of lies, the uncontrolled tongues of heretics and their heretical writings, together with the heretics themselves who have persisted in their heresy."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sentence against Three Chapters, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It has therefore seemed necessary to us to sum up in certain statements both our declarations of the truth and our condemnations of heretics and their ithfulness and you shall know the Lord; and we count along with the devil, the father of lies, the uncontrolled tongues of heretics and their heretical teachings."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Anathemas against the Three Chapters, Article 6, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone misrepresents the Holy Synod of Chalcedon, alleging that it claimed that the Virgin was the Mother of God only according to that heretical understanding which the blasphemous Theodore put forward; Or if anyone says that she is the mother of a man or the Christ-bearer, that is the mother of Christ, suggesting that Christ is not God; and does not formally confess that she is properly and truly the Mother of God, because He who before all ages was born of the Father, God the Word, has been made into human flesh in these latter days and has been born to her, and it was in this religious understanding that the Holy Synod of Chalcedon formally stated its belief that she was the Mother of God: let him be anathema."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Anathemas against the Three Chapters, Article 11, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone does not anathematize Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, Apollinarius Nestorius, Eutyches and Origen, as well as their heretical books, and also all other heretics who have already been condemned and anathematized by the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and by the four Holy Synods which have already been mentioned, and also all those who have thought or now think in the same way as the aforesaid heretics and who persist in their error ... let him be anathema."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Anathemas against the Three Chapters, Article 12, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone defends the heretical Theodore of Mopsuestia, who said that God the Word is one, while quite another is Christ ... let him be anathema."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Anathemas against the Three Chapters, Article 12, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone offers a defence for this more heretical Theodore, and his heretical books in which he throws up the aforesaid blasphemies and many other additional blasphemies against our great God and saviour Jesus Christ, and if anyone fails to anathematize him and his heretical books as well as all those who offer acceptance or defence to him, or who allege that his interpretation is correct, or who write on his behalf or on that of his heretical teachings, or who are or have been of the same way of thinking and persist ... let him be anathema."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Anathemas against the Three Chapters, Article 13, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone defends the heretical writings of Theodoret which were composed against the true faith, against the first holy synod of Ephesus and against holy Cyril and his Twelve Chapters, and also defends what Theodoret wrote to support the heretical Theodore and Nestorius ... and who persist in such heresy let him be anathema."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Anathemas against the Three Chapters, Article 13, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone does not anathematize these heretical books and those who have thought or now think in this way, and all those who have written against the true faith or against holy Cyril and his Twelve Chapters, and who persist in such heresy ... let him be anathema."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Second Council of Constantinople, Anathemas against the Three Chapters, Article 14, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Opinions like those of the heretical Apollinarius; Which rebukes the first Holy Synod of Ephesus (...) If anyone defends the said letter and does not anathematize it and all those who offer a defence for it and allege that it or a part of it is correct ... and persists in these errors ... let him be anathema."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fourth Council of Constantinople, Canon 9, 869-870 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Holy and Universal synod has declared that nobody ... found to be enslaved to error or heretical beliefs ... we strictly forbid such persons to teach or to pursue studies."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 2, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We also reject and condemn that most perverse doctrine of the impious Amalric, whose mind the father of lies blinded to such an extent that his teaching is to be regarded as mad more than as heretical."

Note 1: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... regarded as mad ... heresy by definition is a break from reality (called madness here).

Council of Constance, Session 8, 4 May 1415 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"After the articles had been examined it was found, as indeed is the case, that some of them, indeed many, were and are notoriously heretical and have already been condemned by Holy Fathers, others are not Catholic but erroneous, others scandalous and blasphemous, some offensive to the ears of the devout and some rash and seditious."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 8, 4 May 1415 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Some of them, as has been said, were and are heretical, some seditious, some erroneous, others rash, some scandalous, others unsound, and almost all of them contrary to good morals and the Catholic truth. They were therefore condemned."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 15, 6 July 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It was found that some, indeed many, of the articles thus examined were and are notoriously heretical and have already been condemned by Holy Fathers, some are offensive to the ears of the devout and some are rash and seditious."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 15, 6 July 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Although, therefore, it was decreed at the Sacred General Council recently held at Rome that the teaching of John Wyclif, of cursed memory, should be condemned and the books of his containing this teaching should be burnt as heretical; although his teaching was in fact condemned and his books burnt as containing false and dangerous doctrine; and although a decree of this kind was approved by the authority of this present Sacred Council ..."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 15, 6 July 1415 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This Holy Synod, wishing to oppose this error and to eradicate it completely, declares, decrees and defines, after mature deliberation, that this doctrine is erroneous in the faith and with regard to morals, and it rejects and condemns the doctrine as heretical, scandalous and seditious."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Constance, Session 21, 30 May 1416 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"From the acts and proceedings of the case it is evident that the said Jerome has held, asserted and taught various heretical and erroneous articles, which were long ago condemned by holy fathers, some of which are blasphemous, others scandalous and others offensive to the ears of the devout as well as rash and seditious."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 15, 26 November 1433 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"A chief care of the bishop at the synod should be to make inquiry and to apply proper remedies lest any teaching that is heretical, erroneous, scandalous or offensive to pious ears ... infiltrate into his diocese."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

Council of Florence, Session 14, 7 August 1445 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This is the Faith, Holy Father, that I vow and promise to hold and observe and to see that it is held and observed by all my subjects. I engage myself and solemnly promise ... to excommunicate and to denounce as heretical and condemned, whoever rejects it and raises himself up against it."

Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.

S u b - p a r t    E

Ordinary Magisterium (non-Dogma) ... against heresy

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Pope Gregory XVI , Mirari Vos, On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism, Paragraph 5, 15 August 1832 >
"So the restraints of religion are thrown off, by which alone kingdoms stand. We see the destruction of public order, the fall of principalities, and the overturning of all legitimate power approaching. Indeed this great mass of calamities had its inception in the heretical societies and sects in which all that is sacrilegious, infamous, and blasphemous has gathered as bilge water in a ship’s hold, a congealed mass of all filth."

Note: Sound familiar ? Heresies bringing about the complete destruction of ... what is commonly called "western "civilization".

Pope Leo XIII, Diuturnum, On the Origin of Civil Power, Paragraph 23, 29 June 1881 >
"From this heresy there arose in the last century a false philosophy — a new right as it is called, and a popular authority, together with an unbridled license which many regard as the only true liberty. Hence we have reached the limit of horrors, to wit, communism, socialism, nihilism, hideous deformities of the civil society of men and almost its ruin."

Note: Sound familiar ? Heresies bringing about the complete destruction of ... what is commonly called "western "civilization".

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 >
"The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium. Epiphanius, Augustine, Theodore : drew up a long list of the heresies of their times.

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 ... referencing > Saint Augustine, De Haeresibus, n. 88 >
"St. Augustine notes that other heresies may spring up, to a single one of which, should any one give his assent, he is by the very fact cut off from Catholic unity. 'No one who merely disbelieves in all (these heresies) can for that reason regard himself as a Catholic or call himself one. For there may be or may arise some other heresies, which are not set out in this work of ours, and, if any one holds to one single one of these he is not a Catholic.' "

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 8, 29 June 1896 ... referencing > Saint Cyprian, Ep. lxix. >
"Our Lord Jesus Christ, when in His Gospel He testifies that those who not are with Him are His enemies, does not designate any special form of heresy, but declares that all heretics who are not with Him and do not gather with Him, scatter His flock and are His adversaries: He that is not with Me is against Me, and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth”."

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 >
"In this wise, all cause for doubting being removed, can it be lawful for anyone to reject any one of those truths without by the very fact falling into heresy ?  Without separating himself from the Church ?  Without repudiating in one sweeping act the whole of Christian teaching ?"

Pope Benedict XIV, Magnae Nobis, Paragraph 4, 29 June 1748 >
"When a dispensation is requested to allow a Catholic to marry a heretic or to remove some canonical impediment which exists between the contracting parties, neither the permission nor the dispensation is granted except with the addition of this expressed law or condition, namely that the heresy must first be abjured."

Note: If the man or women contracting a marriage ... is a heretic ... they must Abjure their heresy first. Abjuration is covered in Sections 40, 40.1, and 40.2 of this site.

Pope Benedict XIV, Magnae Nobis, Paragraph 4, 29 June 1748 >
"Clement XI, in the Congregation of the Holy Office held in his presence on June 16, 1710, ordered the Archbishop of Malines to give no permission or dispensation for marriages to be celebrated between a contracting Catholic and a heretic unless the abjuration of heresy had indeed preceded; he ordered that the theologians who had opinions contrary to this practice be sharply admonished."

Note: If the man or women contracting a marriage ... is a heretic ... they must Abjure their heresy first. Abjuration is covered in Sections 40, 40.1, and 40.2 of this site.

Pope Benedict XIV, Magnae Nobis, Paragraph 6, 29 June 1748 >
"Since he knows that the marriage of Catholics with heretics is condemned by the Apostolic See, he can also understand that the evil of heresy, which affects one of the contracting parties and which is not mentioned in the letters of dispensation, was concealed from the Apostolic See."

Pope Benedict XIV, Magnae Nobis, Paragraph 10, 29 June 1748 >
"When one of the contracting parties or both are infected with heresy, and this is not mentioned in the application and could not be known in any other way, the Apostolic letters granted in this matter lack those words and conditions which are customarily added to other dispensations."

Pope Benedict XIV, Magnae Nobis, Paragraph 5, 29 June 1748 >
"Besides, opportune safeguards were always added, lest the Catholic spouse might be perverted by the heretical one; The former would know that he must strive for the conversion of the latter (...) The Apostolic See has always both disapproved and condemned such marriages unless the abjuration of the heresy preceded."

Pope Clement XI, Unigenitus, Article 98, 1713 A.D. >
"The state of persecution and of punishment which anyone endures as a disgraceful and impious heretic, is generally the final trial and is especially meritorious, inasmuch as it makes a man more conformable to Jesus Christ."

Pope Pius V, Consueverunt Romani, Call to Prayer, 17 September 1569 >
"Prompted by their example, and, as is piously believed, by the Holy Spirit, the inspired Blessed founder of the Order of Friars Preachers ... in circumstances similar to those in which we now find ourselves, when parts of France and of Italy were unhappily troubled by the heresy of the albegenses ... raised his eyes up unto Heaven, unto that mountain of the Glorious Virgin Mary, loving Mother of God ... and has alone destroyed all heresies."

Note: Regarding the text ... Order of Friars Preachers ... there are no Catholic Orders, Bishops, Priests. or Pope in these times. Identified on Section 13.6 of this site.

Pope Pius V, Consueverunt Romani, Call to Prayer, 17 September 1569 >
"Friars of Blessed Dominic, namely, of the aforementioned Order, and accepted by not a few of the people. Christ’s faithful, inflamed by these prayers, began immediately to be changed into new men. The darkness of heresy began to be dispelled, and the light of the Catholic Faith to be revealed."

Note: Regarding the text ... Friars of Blessed Dominic ... there are no Catholic Orders, Bishops, Priests. or Pope in these times. Identified on Section 13.6 of this site.

Pope Pius V, Consueverunt Romani, Call to Prayer, 17 September 1569 >
"Following the example of our predecessors, seeing that the Church Militant, which God has placed in our hands, in these our times is tossed this way and that by so many heresies, and is grievously troubled and afflicted ... we also raise our eyes, weeping but full of hope, unto that same mountain, whence every aid comes forth, and we encourage and admonish each member of Christ’s faithful to do likewise in the Lord."

Note: Regarding the text ... that same mountain ... this referring to the Blessed Virgin Maria ... all grace originates with the Catholic God ... then goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin and into the world.

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 21, 26 May 1910 >
"That is to say, we must oppose these erroneous opinions now deceitfully being scattered abroad, which, when taken all together, are called Modernism. (...) We must be mindful of the supreme zeal and excelling diligence which the bishop must exercise in combating the crime of heresy."

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 22, 26 May 1910 >
"We need not mention the Saint's other words (echoing the sanctions and penalties decreed by the Roman Pontiffs) against those prelates who are negligent or remiss in purging the evil heresy out of their dioceses."

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 22, 26 May 1910 >
"The Bishop must be eternally on guard and continually vigilant in preventing the contagious disease of heresy from entering among his flock and removing even the faintest suspicion of it from the fold."

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 23, 26 May 1910 >
"Liberation or immunity from this disease of heresy is possible ... we see this poison penetrating through all the veins of the State."

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 43, 26 May 1910 >
"It is a certain, wellestablished fact that no other crime so seriously offends God and provokes His greatest wrath as the vice of heresy. Nothing contributes more to the down fall of Provinces and Kingdoms than this frightful pest."

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 9, 26 May 1910 >
"They called this rebellious riot and perversion of faith and morals a reformation, and themselves reformers. In reality, they were corrupters. In undermining the strength of Europe through wars and dissensions, they paved the way for those modern rebellions and apostasy ... the internal pests of heresies."

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 19, 26 May 1910 >
"Both these heresies are fathered by the "enemy" who "sowed weeds among the wheat" in order to bring about the downfall of mankind. Both revolts go about in the hidden ways of darkness, develop along the same line, and come to an end in the same fatal way."

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 21, 26 May 1910 >
"In this matter no diligence can be too great to fulfill the certain demands of our office. We must therefore use sound doctrine to withstand 'the leaven of heretical depravity', which if not repressed, will corrupt the whole. That is to say, we must oppose these erroneous opinions now deceitfully being scattered abroad, which, when taken all together, are called Modernism."

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo, Paragraph 23, 26 May 1910 >
"If those who associate with heretics are not firmly rooted in the Faith there is reason to fear that they will easily be seduced by the heretics into the trap of impiety and false doctrine. Nowadays facility in travel and communication has proven just as advantageous for error as for other things."

Pope Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus Officio, On Devotion to the Rosary, Paragraph 5, 1 September 1883 >
"So also St. Pius V., (states) that ... with the spread of this devotion the meditations of the faithful have begun to be more inflamed, their prayers more fervent, and they have suddenly become different men; the darkness of heresy has been dissipated, and the light of Catholic faith has broken forth again."

Pope Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus Officio, On Devotion to the Rosary, Paragraph 3, 1 September 1883 >
"This devotion, so great and so confident, to the august Queen of Heaven, has never shone forth with such brilliancy as when the militant Church of God has seemed to be endangered by the violence of heresy spread abroad, or by an intolerable moral corruption, or by the attacks of powerful enemies. Ancient and modern history and the more sacred annals of the Church bear witness to public and private supplications addressed to the Mother of God, to the help she has granted in return, and to the peace and tranquillity which she had obtained from God."

Pope Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus Officio, On Devotion to the Rosary, Paragraph 5, 1 September 1883 >
"Sixtus IV declared that this method of prayer 'redounded to the honor of God and the Blessed Virgin, and was well suited to obviate impending dangers'; ... Leo X that 'it was instituted to oppose pernicious heresiarchs and heresies'; while Julius III called it 'the glory of the Church'."

Pope Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus Officio, On Devotion to the Rosary, Paragraph 8, 1 September 1883 >
"That great saint indeed, divinely enlightened, perceived that no remedy would be more adapted to the evils of his time than that men should return to Christ, who 'is the way, the truth, and the life', by frequent meditation on the salvation obtained for Us by Him, and should seek the intercession with God of that Virgin, to whom it is given to destroy all heresies."

Note: Regarding the text ... return to Christ ... this is speaking of the Catholic Jesus Christ ... the non-Catholic heretic "Jesus Christs" do not exist. There is no "evangelical Jesus", "lutheran Jesus", "baptist Jesus", "methodist Jesus", etc.

Pope Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus Officio, On Devotion to the Rosary, Paragraph 3, 1 September 1883 >
"There is none among you, venerable brethren, who will not remember how great trouble and grief God’s Holy Church suffered from the albigensian heretics, who sprung from the sect of the later Manicheans, and who filled the South of France and other portions of the Latin world with their pernicious errors, and carrying everywhere the terror of their arms, strove far and wide to rule by massacre and ruin. (...) By his (Saint Dominic) Apostolic labors, he proceeded undauntedly to attack the enemies of the Catholic Church, not by force of arms, but trusting wholly to that devotion which he was the first to institute under the name of the Holy Rosary, which was disseminated through the length and breadth of the earth."

Pope Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus Officio, On Devotion to the Rosary, Paragraph 3, 1 September 1883 >
"When (the Rosary was) adopted and properly carried out as instituted by the Holy Father St. Dominic ... piety, faith, and union began to return, and the projects and devices of the heretics to fall to pieces. Many wanderers also returned to the way of salvation."

Pope Sixtus V, Triumphantis Hierusalem, St. Bonaventure, Seraphic Doctor of the Church, Paragraph 3, 14 March 1588 >
"For he left those monuments of his divine genius to those who would come after him (Saint Bonaventure) ... the truth of the Catholic Faith is illustrated, pernicious errors and profane heresies are overthrown, and the pious minds of the faithful are admirably inflammed to the love of God and the desire of the celestial fatherland."

Pope Sixtus V, Triumphantis Hierusalem, St. Bonaventure, Seraphic Doctor of the Church, Paragraph 10, 14 March 1588 >
"Truly in these last days, in which already there has come those dangerous times described by the Apostle, and the blasphemous, proud, seductive men who advance to what is worse still, erring and sending others into error, this ... is necessary to sensibly confirm the dogmas of the Catholic Faith and confute heresies."

Pope Sixtus V, Triumphantis Hierusalem, St. Bonaventure, Seraphic Doctor of the Church, 14 March 1588 >
"For then the traps and fallacies of the heretics, who, with the devil instigating, did not discontinue to overseed tares in the field of the Lord, by the care and diligence of the Doctors in detecting, both the pestiferous and detestible errors were cut off by the sword of the spirit, and with the holy Doctors as attendants, the falsehood was layed low by the strength of Catholic truth."

Pope Sixtus V, Triumphantis Hierusalem, St. Bonaventure, Seraphic Doctor of the Church, Paragraph 10, 14 March 1588 >
"Finally the utility of the universal Church moves Us, which can be always more and more richly captivated by the erudition of such a Doctor, especially when the ambushes and the diabolical machinations of heretics, by which they oppose most vehemently in this sad age that sacred theology ... that We should retain, explain, and propagate ... for the Church of God."

Note: Regarding the text ... the Church of God ... this is the Catholic Church, which has no physical properties, priests, bishops, or Pope in these times.

Note 2: Heretics are not in "churches" ... there are only heretic meeting halls ... lutheran meeting halls, presbyterian meeting halls, evangelical meeting halls, etc ... which send every last participant ino never ending Hell.

Pope Sixtus V, Triumphantis Hierusalem, St. Bonaventure, Seraphic Doctor of the Church, 14 March 1588 >
"For then the traps and fallacies of the heretics, who, with the devil instigating, did not discontinue to overseed tares in the field of the Lord, by the care and diligence of the Doctors in detecting, both the pestiferous and detestible errors were cut off by the sword of the spirit, and with the holy Doctors as attendants, the falsehood was layed low by the strength of Catholic truth."

Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae Sunt, On the Observance of Oriental Rites, Paragraph 22, 26 July 1755 >
"It is not difficult to respond to the claim that Orientals and other Greeks who reject their heresy and return to unity can be lawfully exhorted to abandon their own rite and accept the Latin rite on the grounds that approval has been given in the past and still continues for Orientals and Greeks to practice individual Latin rites."

Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae Sunt, On the Observance of Oriental Rites, Paragraph 22, 26 July 1755 >
"The Church does not require schismatics to abandon their rites when they return to Catholic unity, but only that they forswear and detest heresy. Its great desire is for the preservation, not the destruction, of different peoples-in short, that all may be Catholic rather than all become Latin."

Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae Sunt, On the Observance of Oriental Rites, Paragraph 17, 26 July 1755 >
"Passing by these questions, We will declare freely that the Roman Pontiffs have carefully and tirelessly attempted to overcome the heresies which gave rise to the schism between the western and the eastern church, and that consequently they have commanded orientals who want to return to the unity of the Church to reject these errors, to find out if they really belong in union with the Apostolic See."

Note 1: Regarding the text ... the eastern church ... the eastern heretics are not a "church", they are a collection of heretic meeting halls around the world.

Note 2: Please see ... Section 8.6 for the fantastic heresies of the "eastern orthodox" ... they left Christianity in 1054 A.D. and have not had a single priest or bishop since that year.

Note 3: Please see ... Section 8.6.1 where the "eastern orthodox" themselves admit ... that thr Catholic Church is the Apostolic Church of the Catholic God. Caution: The Catholic Church has no buildings, priests, bishops, or Pope in these times.

Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae Sunt, On the Observance of Oriental Rites, Paragraph 17, 26 July 1755 >
"All should be received, but those whom it concerns should be informed that they should not hereafter use a profession of faith different from that prescribed for Orientals by Urban VIII of happy memory, since this profession contains a rejection of many heresies and other matters needful for those districts."

Pope Pius IX, Quae In Patriarchatu, On the Church in Chaldea, Paragraph 2, 16 November 1872 >
"The damage brought to your regions by the nestorian heresy is so great that like a wild beast from the forest it will destroy the Lord’s vineyard which once flourished there and devour it."

Pope Pius IX, Etsi Multa, On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland, Paragraph 8, 21 November 1873 >
"Indeed Our venerable brother, Eugene, Bishop of Basel, with just indignation and Apostolic constancy, rejected certain articles drawn up and presented to him in his meeting. In rejecting the articles, he said that they were harmful to episcopal authority, subversive of hierarchical rule, and openly favorable to heresy."

Pope Pius IX, Etsi Multa, On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland, Paragraph 23, 21 November 1873 >
"These unhappy men undermine the foundations of religion, overturn all its marks and properties, and invent so many foul errors, or rather, draw forth from the ancient store of heretics and gather them together and publish them. Yet they do not blush to call themselves Catholics and Old Catholics."

Pope Pius IX, Etsi Multa, On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland, Paragraph 21, 21 November 1873 >
"In addition the Prussian and other governments of the German Empire openly support those recent heretics who call themselves Old Catholics. Their abuse of such a name would be plainly ridiculous if it were not for the fact that so many monstrous errors of this sect against the principal teachings of the Catholic Faith."

Pope Pius IX, Etsi Multa, On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland, Paragraph 24, 21 November 1873 >
"But these men having progressed more boldly in the ways of wickedness and destruction, as happens to heretical sects from God’s just judgment, have wished to create a hierarchy also for themselves, as we have intimated. They have chosen and set up ... a certain notorious apostate from the Catholic faith, Joseph Hubert Reinkens."

Pope Pius IX, Etsi Multa, On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland, Paragraph 24, 21 November 1873 >
"So that nothing be lacking in their impudence, for his consecration they have had refuge to those very Jansenists of Utrecht, whom they themselves, before they separated from the Church, considered as heretics and schismatics, as do all other Catholics."

Pope Pius X, Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, On the Immaculate Conception Paragraph 30, 2 February 1904 >
"They may also be absolved from all sin or excess, even those reserved to the ordinaries themselves and to Us and to the Apostolic See, on condition however that a salutary penance be enjoined together with the other prescriptions of the law, and in the case of heresy after the abjuration and retraction of error as is enjoined by the law."

Pope Pius X, Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, On the Immaculate Conception Paragraph 22, 2 February 1904 >
"It is from a subjection of the reason of this sort that Christian people sing thus the praise of the Mother of God: 'Thou art all fair, O Mary, and the stain of original sin is not in thee.' (Mass of the Immaculate Conception). And thus once again is justified what the Church attributes to this august Virgin that she has exterminated all heresies in the world."

Note: Regarding the text ... she has exterminated all heresies ... the Blessed Virgin identifies all Catholic truths to defeat any heresy ... but unfortunately vast numbers of people still "believe" their heresies.

Pope Pius X, Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, On the Immaculate Conception Paragraph 25, 2 February 1904 >
"We know, indeed, from experience that such prayer, born of charity and relying on the Virgin, has never been vain. True, even in the future the strife against the Church will never cease, "for there must be also heresies, that they also who are reproved may be made manifest among you."

Pope Pius X, Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, On the Immaculate Conception Paragraph 27, 2 February 1904 >
"And there for some time pray God for the liberty and exaltation of the Catholic Church and this Apostolic See, for the extirpation of heresies and the conversion of all who are in error."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 13, 6 January 1873 >
"But the neo-schismatics have gone further, since every schism fabricates a heresy for itself to justify its withdrawal from the Church.

Note 1: The difference between ... schism and heresy is that ... the group in schism separates from the Catholic Church but believes all the Catholic Dogmas ... so that schism is restricted to leadership issues only.

Note 2: The group in schism is of course against the Dogmas on the Papacy (Office of the Pope). Heresy on the other hand is rejects Catholic Dogma on issues other than the Dogma on the Papacy (leadership issues).

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 13, 6 January 1873 >
"And previously the arians falsely accused Liberius, also Our predecessor, to the Emperor Constantine, because Liberius refused to condemn St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, and refused to support their (arian) heresy."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 17, 6 January 1873 >
"But even if the results did not fully match the efforts expended, still by God’s mercy some churches of the different rites did return to the truth and Catholic unity of the Church. These the Apostolic See received in its arms like newborn infants and took particular care to strengthen them in the true Catholic faith and to keep them completely free from all stain of heresy."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 38, 6 January 1873 >
"Saint Athanasius called the interference of secular rulers in Church affairs 'a novel spectacle' and an invention of the Arian heresy."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 2, 6 January 1873 >
"Long ago Christ warned that many would come in His name, stating that they were the Christ, and as a result, seduce many ... this has proved true. For by means of the new schism which arose three years ago among the Armenians in Constantinople, the common enemy of the human race is wholly engaged in undermining faith, destroying truth and disrupting unity by worldly wisdom, heretical discussion, subtle, clever deceit, and even, where possible, by the use of force."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 6, 6 January 1873 >
The chief deceit used to conceal the new schism is the name of 'Catholic'. The originators and adherents of the schism presumptuously lay claim to this name despite their condemnation by Our authority and judgment. It has always been the custom of heretics and schismatics to call themselves Catholics and to proclaim their many excellences in order to lead peoples and princes into error."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 10, 6 January 1873 >
"The jansenist heretics dared to teach such doctrines as that an excommunication pronounced by a lawful prelate could be ignored on a pretext of injustice. (...) Our predecessor of happy memory Clement XI in his constitution Unigenitus against the errors of Quesnell forbade and condemned statements of this kind."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 15, 6 January 1873 >
"If We did not thoroughly know the clever and subtle deceits of heretics, it would be incomprehensible that the Ottoman regime still regards as Catholics people it knows to be cut off from the Catholic Church by Our judgment and authority."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 20, 6 January 1873 >
"The Ottoman emperor, at the insistence of Leo XII and Pius VIII, and relying on the support of the Catholic rulers of Austria and France, recognized the distinction which exists between Catholics and heretics; therefore, he removed Catholics from the civil power of the latter, decreeing that Catholics should have their own head or prefect."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 35, 6 January 1873 >
"It contributes as well to ... the authority of the bishops, whose rights and privileges find strength and repose in the stability of the Apostolic See. The Roman Pontiffs have always strongly defended these rights and privileges from heretics and ambitious men at the request of bishops of every rank, nation and rite."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 37, 6 January 1873 >
"But it is also said that We have infringed upon the rights of the supreme emperor. This is a common calumny worn thin by the long use heretics have made of it. The jews first invented it in opposition to Christ and God; then pagans very often used it not only before the Roman emperors and heretics, but even before Catholic princes."

Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra, On the Church in Armenia, Paragraph 38, 6 January 1873 >
"It would be heretical to affirm that the use of this power received from God is an abuse of the Church’s authority; Pius VI already determined this. The Apostolic See has often taken great pains to maintain this distinction of powers. Saint Athanasius called the interference of secular rulers in Church affairs 'a novel spectacle'."

Pope Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, On the doctrine of the modernists, Paragraph 37, 8 September 1907 >
"Such, Venerable Brethren, is a summary description of the apologetic method of the modernists, in perfect harmony with their doctrines — methods and doctrines replete with errors, made not for edification but for destruction, not for the making of Catholics but for the seduction of those who are Catholics into heresy; and tending to the utter subversion of all religion."

Note 1:" Regarding the text ... subversion of all religion ... only the Catholic Faith is a religion ... everything and anything else are man-made fables.

Note 2:" Regarding the text ... modernist "doctrines" ... modernists don't have "doctrine", they onlt have lies against the Catholic Dogmas.

Pope Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, On the doctrine of the modernists, Paragraph 39, 8 September 1907 >
"And now with Our eyes fixed upon the whole system (modernism), no one will be surprised that We should define it to be the synthesis of all heresies."

Note: "Modernism" is a term the Catholic Church uses for ... the synthesis of all heresies. Of course specific soul damning heresies of different heretic groups ... and specific soul damning errors of the un-baptized pagans ... are also identified by the Catholic Church.

Pope Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, On the doctrine of the modernists, Paragraph 57, 8 September 1907 >
"May Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, be with you in His power; and may the Immaculate Virgin, the destroyer of all heresies, be with you by her prayers and aid."

Note: Regarding the text ... destroyer of all heresies ... the Blessed Virgin identifies all Catholic truths to destroy any heresy ... but unfortunately vast numbers of people still "believe" their heresies.

Pope Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, On the doctrine of the modernists, Paragraph 42, 8 September 1907 >
"But for Catholics nothing will remove the authority of the Second Council of Nicea, where it condemns those who dare, after the impious fashion of heretics, to deride the ecclesiastical traditions."

Pope Clement XII, In Eminenti, Papal Bull dealing with the condemnation of Freemasonry, Paragraph 5, 1738 A.D. >
"Moreover, We desire and command that both Bishops and prelates, and other local ordinaries, as well as inquisitors for heresy, shall investigate and proceed against transgressors of whatever state, grade, condition, order dignity or pre-eminence they may be."

Pope John XXII, Quia quorundam, Rule of Friar Minors, Paragraph 7, 1316 A.D. >
"For that reason, lest the fabricators of lies of this kind and also the assertors of such pestiential, erroneous, and condemned doctrine, by repressing and confusing certainly every worthy (true doctrine), prevail in boasting and in leading others into error, since they have dared, by sneaky undertaking and perverse petulance, to defend publicly a heresy condemned."

Note: Regarding the text ... every true doctrine ... the true Doctrine is the Catholic Sources of Dogma of the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world (offices vacant in these times, see Section 13.6).

Pope Gregory XVI, Probe Nostis, On the Propogation of the Faith, Paragraph 6, 18 September 1840 >
"They fearlessly fight the Lord’s battles against heresy and unbelief by private and public speech and writings. They are inspired with a burning love and undeterred by rough roads and heavy toil."

Pope Gregory XVI, Probe Nostis, On the Propogation of the Faith, Paragraph 2, 18 September 1840 >
"There is hardly any uncivilized district left in the entire world to which headquarters of the main societies of heretics and unbelievers have not sent scouts and emissaries without counting the cost. These men, by waging secret or open war on the Catholic religion and its pastors and ministers, tear the faithful from the bosom of the Church."

Pope Pius IX, Omnem Sollicitudinem, On the Greek-Ruthenian Rite, Paragraph 3, 1874 A.D. >
"Gregory XVI of blessed memory wrote about these to the Armenian Catholics, “your ancestors, either admired them because they seemed more fitting and beautiful or, introduced them at various periods as a distinctive mark separating themselves from heretics and schismatics."

Pope Pius IX, Omnem Sollicitudinem, On the Greek-Ruthenian Rite, Paragraph 11, 1874 A.D. >
"Accordingly, nothing other is intended by the deceptive pretext of purifying rites and restoring them to their original condition than the preparation of pitfalls for the faith of the Ruthenians of Chelm, whom evil men are striving to tear from the bosom of the Church and to hand over to heresy and schism."

Pope Leo XIII, Arcanum, On Christian Marriage, Paragraph 45, 10 February 1880 >
"With equal earnestness let us ask the princes of the Apostles, Peter and Paul, the destroyers of heresies, the sowers of the seed of truth, to save the human race by their powerful patronage from the deluge of errors that is surging afresh."

Pope Pius VIII, Traditi Humilitati, On His Program for His Pontificate, Paragraph 9, 24 May 1829 >
"The heretics have disseminated pestilential books everywhere, by which the teachings of the impious spread, much as a cancer.[14] To counteract this most deadly pest, spare no labor."

Pope Pius VIII, Traditi Humilitati, On His Program for His Pontificate, Paragraph 13, 24 May 1829 >
"Let us ask these things humbly of Mary, the holy Mother of God. We confess that she alone has overcome all heresies and We salute her with gratitude on this day, the anniversary of Our predecessor, Pius VII’s, restoration to the city of Rome after he had suffered many adversities."

Pope Leo XIII, Adiutricem, On the Rosary, Paragraph 11, 5 September 1895 >
"In the times and places in which, to the Church’s grief, faith languished in lethargic indifference or was tormented by the baneful scourge of heresy, our great and gracious Lady in her kindness was ever ready with her aid and comfort."

Pope Leo XIII, Adiutricem, On the Rosary, Paragraph 14, 5 September 1895 >
"Hail, thou fountain springing forth by God’s design, whose rivers flowing over in pure and unsullied waves of orthodoxy put to flight the hosts of error. Rejoice, because thou alone hast destroyed all the heresies in the world."

Note: Regarding the text ... destroyer of all heresies ... the Blessed Virgin identifies all Catholic truths to destroy any heresy ... but unfortunately vast numbers of people still "believe" their heresies.

Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura, Condemning Current Errors, Paragraph 1, 8 December 1864 >
"And truly the same, Our Predecessors, asserters of justice, being especially anxious for the salvation of souls, had nothing ever more at heart than by their most wise Letters and Constitutions to unveil and condemn all those heresies and errors which, being adverse to our Divine Faith, to the doctrine of the Catholic Church, to purity of morals, and to the eternal salvation of men, have frequently excited violent tempests, and have miserably afflicted both Church and State."

Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura, Condemning Current Errors, Paragraph 11, 8 December 1864 >
"But in order that God may the more readily assent to the prayers and desires of ourselves, of you and of all the faithful, let us with all confidence employ as or advocate with Him the Immaculate and Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, who has slain all heresies throughout the world, and who, the most loving Mother of us all ... is all sweet . . . and full of mercy . . . shows herself to all as easily entreated; shows herself to all as most merciful; pities the necessities of all with a most large affection."

Note: Regarding the text ... slain all heresies ... the Blessed Virgin identifies all Catholic truths to destroy any heresy ... but unfortunately vast numbers of people still "believe" their heresies.

Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura, Condemning Current Errors, Paragraph 4, 8 December 1864 >
"Men of the kind pursue with bitter hatred the Religious Orders ... and thus (these evil men) applaud the calumnies of heretics."

Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura, Condemning Current Errors, Paragraph 5, 8 December 1864 >
"Nor do they blush openly and publicly to profess the maxim and principle of heretics from which arise so many perverse opinions and errors."

Pope Leo XIII, Amantissimae Voluntatis, To the English People, Paragraph 2, 1895 A.D. >
"Thus Christianity, which the Church had conveyed to Britain, and spread and defended there against rising heresy, after having been blotted out by the invasion of heathen races, was now by the care of Gregory happily restored."

Pope Leo XIII, Amantissimae Voluntatis, To the English People, Paragraph 4, 1895 A.D. >
"The action of Saint Celestine I ... was most efficacious against the pelagian heresy which had infected Britain, as Saint Prosper of Aquitaine, a writer of that time, and afterwards secretary to Saint Leo the Great, records in his chronicle."

Pope Leo XIII, Adiutricem, On the Rosary, Paragraph 4, 5 September 1895 >
"But at the insistance of the deacon, Palladius ... Pope Celestine sent Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, as his vicar (vice sua), and led back the British people to the Catholic faith, having driven out the heretics."

Pope Pius IX, Neminem Vestrum, On the Persecution of Armenians, Paragraph 15, 2 February 1854 >
"At the same time the Catholic Church, totally unlike the heresies and schisms which are now dead, enjoys eternal life and is endowed with the treasures of heavenly riches. It is the teacher of truth and the guide to salvation."

Note 1: Regarding the text ... the Catholic Church ... the Church has no physical properties, priests, bishops, or Pope in these times ... identified on Section 13.6.

Note 2: The Catholic Church ... as always ... are those who believe the Catholic Sources of Dogma whole and inviolate and who are properly Baptized in water.

Note 3: Regarding the text ... the heresies are dead ... this is to say they are spiritually dead, there isn't a single heretic in Heaven and there never will be. Also there are no schismatics, jews, muslims, buddhists, hindus, etc ... in Heaven.

Pope Leo XIII, Octobri Mense, On the Rosary, Paragraph 8, 22 September 1891 >
"Thus under the favor of the powerful Virgin, the glorious vanquisher of all heresies, the forces of the wicked were destroyed and dispersed, and faith issued forth unharmed and more shining than before."

Pope Leo XIII, Octobri Mense, On the Rosary, Paragraph 8, 5 September 1895 >
"The heresy of the albigenses had in effect, one while covertly, another while openly, overrun many countries, and this most vile offspring of the manicheans, whose deadly errors it reproduced, were the cause in stirring up against the Church the most bitter animosity and a virulent persecution."

Pope Leo XIII, Iucunda Sane, On Pope Gregory the Great, Paragraph 4, 12 March 1904 >
"Through his incessant pastoral care the embers of heresy in Italy and Africa die out, ecclesiastical life in the Gauls is re-organized, the Visigoths of the Spains are welded together in the conversion which has already been begun among them, and the renowned English nation, which, 'situated in a corner of the world, while it had hitherto remained obstinate in the worship of wood and stone', now also receives the true faith of Christ."

Pope Leo XIII, Depuis Le Jour, Paragraph 48, 8 September 1899 >
"In the face of the combined efforts of incredulity and heresy to consummate the ruin of Catholic faith, it would be a real crime for the clergy to remain in a state of hesitancy and inactivity. In such an outpouring of error and conflict of opinion he must not prove faithless to his mission, which is to defend dogma assaulted, morality travestied and justice frequently outraged."

Note: Regarding the text ... clergy to remain in a state of hesitancy ... there are no priests or bishops in these times ... identified on Section 13.6.

Pope Leo XIII, Depuis Le Jour, Paragraph 48, 8 September 1899 >
"It is for him to oppose himself as a barrier to the attacks of error and the deceits of heresy; to watch the tactics of the wicked who war on the Faith and honor of this Catholic country; to unmask their plots and reveal their ambuscades; to warn the confiding, strengthen the timid and open the eyes of the blinded."

Pope Clement XIII, In Dominico Agro, On Instruction in the Faith, Paragraph 4, 14 June 1761 >
"So the Council of Trent condemned those heresies which tried at that time to dim the light of the Church and which led Catholic truth into a clearer light as if the cloud of errors had been dispersed."

Pope Benedict XIV, Quod Provinciale, Paragraph 3, 1 August 1754 >
"We are obliged to lead all Christians back to the way of salvation and to present them to God pure and sincere, walking in the spirit and in truth without stain. We have heard Our Venerable Brothers, the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, who are general Inquisitors for evil heresy on this subject."

Note: Regarding the text ... the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church ... there are no Priests, Bishops, or Cardinals in these times ... identified on Section 13.6.

Pope Leo X, Decet Romanum Pontificem, Excommunication of Luther and his followers, Paragraph 2, 3 January 1521 >
"Many of those who had followed the errors of Martin (Luther) took cognisance of our missive and its warnings and injunctions; the spirit of a saner counsel brought them back to themselves, they confessed their errors and abjured the heresy at our insistance, and by returning to the true Catholic Faith obtained the blessing of absolution. (...) In several states and localities of the said Germany the books and writings of the said Martin were publicly burned, as we had enjoined.

Note: The heresies and lies on each of ... Luther's "95 theses" ... are identified on Section 8.16.

Pope Leo X, Decet Romanum Pontificem, Excommunication of Luther and his followers, Paragraph 2, 3 January 1521 >
"He has now been declared a heretic; and so also others, whatever their authority and rank, who have cared nought of their own salvation but publicly and in all men’s eyes become followers of Martin’s pernicious and heretical sect ... and are to be treated rightfully as heretics and avoided by all faithful Christians, as the Apostle says (Titus 3:10-11)."

Note: Titus 3:10-11 > "A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid ... is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment."

Pope Leo X, Decet Romanum Pontificem, Excommunication of Luther and his followers, Paragraph 3, 3 January 1521 >
"Our purpose is that such men should rightfully be ranked with Martin and other accursed heretics and excommunicates, and that even as they have ranged themselves with the obstinacy in sinning of the said Martin, they shall likewise share his punishments and his name, by bearing with them everywhere the title 'lutheran' and the punishments it incurs."

Note: Regarding the text ... lutheran and the punishment it incurs ... the punishment is never ending Hell (the second death) ... which is the same for those in all other heretic groups (evangelical, presbyterian, methodist, baptist, bible-aloner, episcopalian, anglican, etc) ... unless they convert by the four steps on Section 2.1.

Pope Leo X, Decet Romanum Pontificem, Excommunication of Luther and his followers, Paragraph 3, 3 January 1521 >
"On all these we decree the sentences of excommunication, of anathema, of our perpetual condemnation and interdict; of privation of dignities, honours and property on them and their descendants, and of declared unfitness for such possessions; of the confiscation of their goods and of the crime of treason; and these and the other sentences, censures and punishments which are inflicted ... on heretics and are set out in our aforesaid missive, we decree to have fallen on all these men to their damnation."

Note 1: Regarding being deprived of property ... this was a strong inducement to convert heretics ... since being cast into never ending Hell ... is a far, far, far worse outcome ... than temporary loss of property in this world.

Note 2: For "lutheran" heretics to convert ... to have some chance of getting to Heaven ... see the four steps on Section 2.1.

Pope Leo X, Decet Romanum Pontificem, Excommunication of Luther and his followers, Paragraph 5, 3 January 1521 >
"They shall, if so required in the execution of these presents, publicly announce and cause to be announced by others in their churches, that this same Martin and the rest are excommunicate, accursed, condemned, heretics, hardened, interdicted, deprived of possessions and incapable of owning them, and so listed in the enforcement of these presents."

Note 1: Regarding being deprived of property ... this was a strong inducement to convert heretics ... since being cast into never ending Hell ... is a far, far, far worse outcome ... than temporary loss of property in this world.

Note 2: For "lutheran" heretics to convert ... to have some chance of getting to Heaven ... see the four steps on Section 2.1.

Pope Leo X, Decet Romanum Pontificem, Excommunication of Luther and his followers, Paragraph 5, 3 January 1521 >
"The said Martin and the other heretics we have mentioned, and on their adherents, followers and partisans ... in the present crisis, as their (Bishop's) office obliges them, they shall make themselves a wall of defence for their Christian people. They shall not keep silence like dumb dogs that cannot bark."

Note: Regarding the text ... Bishop's office obliges them ... there are no Catholic Bishops or priests in these times, and there hasn't been since 8 December 1965, see Section 13.6.

Pope Nicholas IV, Supra Montem, On the Third Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis, Chapter 1, 17 August 1289 >
"One must solicitously take precaution, however, lest any heretic, or anyone suspect of heresy, or even an infamous person, be admitted in any manner to the observance of this life. And if one happens to find such having been received, let him be assigned as swiftly as possible to be punished by the Inquisitors for heretical depravity."

Pope Pius IX, Gravibus Ecclesiae, Proclaiming A Jubilee, Paragraph 5, 24 December 1874 >
"There they should pray for the prosperity and exaltation of the Catholic Church and this Apostolic See, for the extirpation of heresies and the conversion of all in error, and for the peace and unity of the whole Christian people."

Note: Regarding the text ... unity of the Christian people ... the Christian people always have had unity, it's called the Catholic Church. Heretics are not Christian ... for example, "unity" between Catholic and evangelicals is not unity it is simply illicit association with heretics.

Pope Pius IX, Quanto Conficiamur Moerore, On Promotion of False Doctrines, Paragraph 8, 10 August 1863 >
"The Apostle Paul says that such persons are 'perverted and self-condemned' ... the Prince of the Apostles calls them 'false teachers' ... who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master ... bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

Pope Leo XIII, Iucunda Semper Expectatione, On the Rosary, Paragraph 1, 8 September 1874 >
"This indeed has been well proved since the very institution of the devotion, both in the vindication of Holy Faith against the furious attacks of heresy, and in restoring to honor the virtues, which by reason of the Age’s corruption, required to be rekindled and sustained."

Pope Leo XIII, On Conditions in Spain, Paragraph 17, 8 December 1882 >
"Animated by brotherly love and all inspired by the same sentiments, they triumphed over the haughty domination of the Moors, over heresy, and over schism. Let the faithful of Spain imitate the example of those from whom they have inherited faith and fame, and show that they inherit not only their ancestors’ name but their virtues also."

Pope Leo XIII, Etsi Nos, On Conditions in Italy, Paragraph 3, 15 February 1882 >
"More than this; Rome, the most august of Christian cities, is now a place laid open to all the enemies of the Church; profane novelties defile it; here and there, temples and schools devoted to heresy are to be found."

Pope Leo XIII, Augustissimae Virginis Mariae, On the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, Paragraph 11, 12 September 1897 >
"Pius V declares that by its virtue 'Christians began suddenly to be transformed into other men, the darkness of heresy to be dispelled, and the light of Catholic faith to shine forth'. Sixtus V, noting how fruitful for religion this Sodality was, professed himself most devoted to it."

Pope Leo XIII, Divinum Illud Munus, On the Holy Spirit Divinum, Paragraph 2, 9 May 1897 >
"In the first place, towards the restoration, both in rulers and peoples, of the principles of the Christian life in civil and domestic society, since there is no true life for men except from Christ; and, secondly, to promote the reunion of those who have fallen away from the Catholic Church either by heresy or by schism, since it is most undoubtedly the will of Christ that all should be united in one flock under one Shepherd."

Pope Leo XII, Quo Graviora, On Secret Societies, Paragraph 6, 13 March 1826 >
" In addition, those clandestine and furthermore illegitimate assemblies, which they have, after the manner employed by many heretics, and the selection of men ... sufficiently convince that it is necessary to have no confidence (note: of course) in their related discourses."

Pope Gregory XVI , Mirari Vos, On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism, Paragraph 24, 15 August 1832 >
"That all of this may come to pass prosperously and happily, let Us raise Our eyes and hands to the most Holy Virgin Mary, who alone crushes all heresies, and is Our greatest reliance and the whole reason for Our hope."

Note 1: All grace originates with the Catholic God ... then goes to the Blessed Virgin and then into the world for souls to cooperate with. This is the same path that the Catholic Jesus Christ followed into the world ... by the Blessed Virgin.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... slain all heresies ... the Blessed Virgin identifies all Catholic truths to destroy any heresy ... but unfortunately vast numbers of people still "believe" their heresies.

Pope Leo XIII, Sapientiae Christianae, On Christians as Citizens, Paragraph 24, 10 January 1890 >
"In defining the limits of the obedience owed to the pastors of souls, but most of all to the authority of the Roman Pontiff, it must not be supposed that it is only to be yielded in relation to Dogmas of which the obstinate denial cannot be disjoined from the crime of heresy."

Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, The Immaculate Conception, Paragraph 9, 8 December 1854 >
"All our hope do we repose in the most Blessed Virgin ... in her who is the glory of the prophets and apostles, the honor of the martyrs ... in her who is the safest refuge and the most trustworthy helper of all who are in danger ... in her who has destroyed all heresies."

Note 1: All grace originates with the Catholic God ... then goes to the Blessed Virgin and then into the world for souls to cooperate with. This is the same path that the Catholic Jesus Christ followed into the world ... by the Blessed Virgin.

Note 2: Regarding the text ... slain all heresies ... the Blessed Virgin identifies all Catholic truths to destroy any heresy ... but unfortunately vast numbers of people still "believe" their heresies.

Pope Pius X, On St. Anselm of Aosta, Paragraph 57, 21 April 1909 >
"But if the erring continue obstinately to scatter the seeds of dissension and error, to waste the patrimony of the sacred doctrine of the Church, to attack discipline, to heap contempt on venerated customs, “to destroy (which is a species of heresy)” in the phrase of Saint Anselm ... then all the more strictly must we watch, venerable brethren, and keep away from Our flock, and especially from youth which is the most tender part of it, so deadly a pest."

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Immaculate Heart of Mary    ~     Our Lady of Good Remedy    ~     Our Lady of La Salette    ~     Immaculate Heart of Mary

~  Pray the Rosary for essential graces  ...  see Section 4.1 of this website for instructions  ~
~  Wear the Brown Scapular as the Blessed Virgin instructed us  ...  as Our Lady of Mount Carmel  ~

Mother of Christ
Hear Thou thy people's cry
Selected prophesies of the Blessed Virgin  - & -  Quotes on being devoted to the Blessed Virgin.    More >  Section 4  and  Section 4.4
Ezechiel 44:2 > "This gate shall be shut … no man shall pass through it … the Lord the God of Israel hath entered in by it." Proverbs 8:35 > "He that shall find me (the Blessed Virgin), shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord."
St. Bonaventure, died 1274 > "No one ever finds Christ but with and through Maria. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Maria seeks Him in vain." Genesis 3:15 > "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Ecclesiasticus 24:25 > "In me is all grace of the way and the truth, in me is all hope of life and virtue." St. Antoninus, died 1459 > "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all of them came through Maria."
St. John Damascene, died 749 > "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation." Wisdom 7:26 > "For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Ecclesiasticus 24:24 > "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope." St. Agnes, died 304 > "There is no one in the world who, if he asks for it, does not partake of the Divine mercy through the tenderness of Maria."  (Truth and mercy cannot be separated)
Proverbs 30:11-12 > "There is a generation that ... doth not bless their mother. A generation pure in their own eyes and yet not washed from their filthiness." Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 > "Every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness, and glory ... are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Maria."
St. Athanasius, died 373 > "Thou, O Lady, were filled with grace, so that thou might be the way of our salvation and the means of ascent into the heavenly kingdom." Psalm 131:8 > "Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting place: Thou and the ark, which Thou hast sanctified."  (The Blessed Virgin bodily in Heaven)
Star of the Sea
and Portal of the Sky

Truth of the super-natural order:
All grace starts with God, goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin, and then into the world. God (Grace Himself) came into the world
by the Blessed Virgin, God never changes, all grace follows the same path to this day and until the end of the world.

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Ignorance of God's Catholic Dogma ... which is being aggressively hidden with malice ... is not a "loophole" into Heaven.
Mountains of proof in Sources of Dogma and Scripture ... links  >  Section 5.1  and  Section 5.1.1